Film Score Monthly
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Volume 29, No. 9
September 2024
Record Round-Up
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FSM Online FAQ
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Why should I subscribe to FSM Online?
Well, for those who have been subscribers to the print version of Film Score Monthly, it's important that you know that FSM Online is the same Film Score Monthly you know and love, only better! And to those new subscribers, welcome to the industry's premiere film music resource. If you love film music like we do, you're in for a treat.

So, how does this whole FSM Online thing work?
It's pretty simple: You pay $7.95 per month. In return, you get all the great FSM content you're used to, plus exciting new stuff that only a move to Internet could allow, including:
-- Digital Features: streaming-audio and video composer interviews
-- Digitally archived content from 100s of FSM interviews
-- Up-to-the minute news and reviews: no more waiting on the mailman; just log on!
-- Longer, more in-depth articles and more of them
-- Downloadable PDF versions of every backissue of FSM ever published
-- Chances to win FSM CDs

How do I subscribe?
That's simple, too. Just click the blue "Subscribe" link at the top of this page. You'll be transported to the FSM Store where you can purchase a monthly subscription just like you would an FSM CD. If you are a returning customer, you'll just use your existing login and password to access the site. If you're a new customer, simply purchase a subscription and your new login and password will be sent to you.

Why does my shopping cart have a price of $0 in it instead of $7.95?
That's because we aren't charging you any money yet; we're just signing you up and authorizing your credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express). You only get charged right before the upcoming issue goes live. By the way, our credit card system will automatically let you know when your credit card expiration date comes up.

When will each issue be available?
Each issue will become available in the first half of each month, usually around the 15th. Except, unlike Film Score Monthly 's print edition, your online mag will arrive on time! And for the first time in the history of FSM, there will actually be 12 issues per year.

How will I know when the next issue of FSM Online is available?
You'll receive an email notifying you that the next issue is available, along with a convenient link to the FSM Online site. Then just enter your login and password, and you're in!

Can I pay $7.95 and then download every single backissue of FSM in a single month and then cancel my subscription?
Yes, we suppose you could, though we'd prefer you stuck around for a while!

Is subscribing to FSM Online safe?
Absolutely. We won't be selling your information to anyone, and of course your online credit card transactions are secure.

So wait, you're telling me that all I have to do is hit "Click to Subscribe," fill out the information, and I'll have access to FSM forever?
Yes... you won't have to worry about shipping, expiring subscriptions, or anything of the sort. You will have access to FSM for as long as you want, whenever you want!

Can I share my login and password with other users?
Technically, yes, you can give that info to others, but keep in mind that will provide those other users access to your credit card information and other personal details. So you'd better have a deep trust in whomever you share with. And second, if everyone passes around the same login and password, we'll go out of business (we're not exactly pulling in variety.com numbers), and everyone loses.

How can I make changes to my login, password, etc.?
It's easy! Just go here and enter your email and password. Once you're logged in, click on the "Edit My Profile" link. Then you'll see all of your information, which you can update and save.

Will I get some kind of confirmation once my subscription has been placed?
Yes, you will receive an email confirmation that let's you know everything is in order. If there are any problems with your credit card or other information, you will be contacted in a timely manner.

How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by emailing support@filmscoremonthly.com.

If my question does not appear in this FAQ, what should I do?

Please email us at support@filmscoremonthly.com.


FSMO General Contact Info
For editorial questions or submissions: barg@filmscoremonthly.com

For questions or submissions regardings Reviews or Departments: barg@filmscoremonthly.com

For advertising questions: barg@filmscoremonthly.com

For questions or customer service issues specifically regarding your subscription to FSMO: support@filmscoremonthly.com

If you would like to reach someone by phone regarding any problem with your subscription, the fastest way to get a response is to email your request, with your phone number, to: support@filmscoremonthly.com.

[If you do not have access to email, and need to reach someone by phone to discuss a subscription, please dial 917-675-7344, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.]


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