Perfect example of something I took a chance on (Previn who? Didn't he own the London Symphony or something??), and loved it. Fastest is one of the great hidden western gems, very addictive. House - a perfect companion, neither score overstays its welcome and reveal new details on every listen. Now, I'm really getting depressed you are ending the label......
Both are absolutely top-notch scores. FASTEST GUN ALIVE is very addictive (my dear wife, bless her, asked "Why are you playing THE TOWERING INFERNO again?"), but my favourite is HOUSE OF NUMBERS. Lots of extremely inventive low-end piano rumblings (Rosenman meets Williams) and an absolutely classic Main Theme, which goes through various transformations. I just love the way that soaring secondary theme comes in - it kind of straddles the Golden Age and the Silver Age - and reminds me of something like TARANTULA for some reason.