Thomas Newman is apparently scoring Yorgos Lanthimos's next film "Kind of Kindness" which will be released next year:
“Kind of Kindness” marks another collaboration between Lanthimos and Searchlight Pictures, currently pushing “Poor Things” out into Oscar season as one of the most revered (and scandalous) contenders. Onboard as well are his trusty DP Robbie Ryan as well as composer Thomas Newman, new to the singular lands of the Greek filmmaker. Lanthimos hasn’t popped up at Sundance since screening “The Lobster” post-Cannes — it wouldn’t hurt his “Poor Things” awards profile to press flesh at Park City with a new project also starring Stone and Dafoe. —RL
This could be a new, interesting composer/director collaboration that we haven't seen before. Interesting, given that Lanthimos has seemingly almost never worked with a composer before.
Newman has also said that he will perhaps reunite with someone has he worked with before too, which I assume might be Andrew Stanton's In the Blink of an Eye. Although there is no information about when that movie will be released...
As a huge Newman fan, I hope that Newman will score 2-3 new movies next year!
Really looking forward to this! I think this will tap into the quirkier side of Newman, or maybe something suitably dramatic. Will be really great to hear when the film arrives.
Still no sign of White Bird so maybe that will finally arrive in 2024, and I still think he'll reunite with Andrew Stanton. Perhaps reuniting with Sam Mendes for his next film too...
That's very exciting Night. I think this will be later in 2024 with a big of an Awards campaign for the film, but it sounds like it's probably done in terms of production.
Not sure if that means we'll have another couple of Newman scores to look forward to in 2024.
Kind of Kindness will likely be out before White Bird!
It seems to have disappeared from Thomas Newman’s upcoming projects on IMDB. Not sure if it’s some unreliable editing or if he’s working on something different instead.
Now Imdb still says that Newman is attached to this. We'll see I guess.
Hope it is Newman. it would seem to strange to announce it as their first film together when it is already completed and then for that to change. I think it'll be very strange and experimental Newman, but we'll see. Should likely premiere at one of the big festivals.
Release date confirmed! Not as long a wait as I expected. Still no confirmation on the composer…
For what it's worth, Newman's agency has the project listed as confirmed on his credits doc. Although they still use the title 'And' which was changed a long time ago, so the info obviously isn't fully up to date. But yes, it looks like as far as Newman's agency is concerned, he is the composer!