For me it's footage of the Chelyabinsk meteor and of any tsunami footage!
There is a youtube channel where a guy reviews different military food rations. It is mostly U.S. military, but he also checks out rations for military from other countries. I haven't seen anything that makes me want to run out and buy a bunch of MREs, but it is fascinating how they are put together. Quite a challenge to put together an edible meal that is light, has a long shelf life, and can be prepared in less than ideal conditions. He even checks out rations from Vietnam and World War II. He doesn't actually eat the ancient rations, but opens them up to show what soldiers in the field ate.
Posted: |
Nov 20, 2018 - 10:35 AM
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I don't know of any I can't stop watching, but I particularly like the DIY videos. I've been helped by any number of these, from auto repair to building things, etc. Lots of movies that seem to be unavailable on DVD, Blu-ray, etc., or that I'm not willing to buy. And I especially enjoy the old NFL Films classics, like Game of the Week and This Week in Pro Football. Okay, okay, you broke me down, I admit it - I'm hooked on the "F*arts scaring babies and animals" videos! Happy now?!?
There's nothing I can't stop watching, but I enjoy many things on Youtube, including but not limited to: Channels: The Scary Snowman The Bronze Cowboy Bushman (to a lesser extent) CinemaSins Nostalgia Critic Angry Video Game Nerd Bighead Parodies (AKA: lowcarbcomedy) Magic of Rahat Crazy Russian Hacker Backyard Scientist Smarter Every Day Honest Trailers Simon's Cat And I used to enjoy SSSniperWolf until her channel became nothing but reaction videos to compilations from other videos. Lame. Probably gets her income, views and subscribers though. Types of Videos: Cats. Rat shooting. News Bloopers Horrible drivers on Russia (which is pretty much everybody who owns a car in Russia, including the military if you watch enough of the hundreds of videos that are up, on channels like Petrolhead Center).