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The Thing From Another World/Take the High Ground! (1951/1953)
Music by Dimitri Tiomkin
The Thing From Another World/Take the High Ground! The Thing From Another World/Take the High Ground! The Thing From Another World/Take the High Ground!
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Price: $30.00
Limited #: 10000
View CD Page at SAE Store
Line: Golden Age
CD Release: February 2005
Catalog #: Vol. 8, No. 1
# of Discs: 1

Released by Special Arrangement with Turner Classic Movies Music

FSM begins its eighth year of classic soundtrack albums with one of the most famous science fiction scores of all time: Dimtri Tiomkin's The Thing From Another World (1951), which astoundingly has never been released in its original soundtrack form.

The Thing From Another World was produced by Howard Hawks and bears his trademark creative stamp: a small group of researchers and military men recover a crashed flying saucer in the Arctic, out of which comes the Thing, an unstoppable alien bent on world domination. The film practically invented the archetypes of the genre: the unreasoning alien force that must be destroyed; the scientist who lets curiosity get in the way of action; the confined-space setting; and the fate of mankind resting on the shoulders of a few.

Scoring The Thing From Another World was Dimitri Tiomkin, one of cinema's most famous composers, who nonetheless was known for his popular melodies rather than an aptitude at science fiction. Tiomkin's roaring, bellicose score for The Thing featured unusual instrumentation—particularly the electronic theremin—that terrified audiences along with the film's titular villain. The score became the blueprint for the '50s "monster" movie genre, although Tiomkin never attempted another one like it.

Master tapes to The Thing From Another World are long lost, but the complete score survived on monaural acetate transfer disks in Tiomkin's personal collection, and that source has been used for this premiere CD. Some surface noise is present, but the sound is superior to our earlier release from acetates of On Dangerous Ground (1952). Two cues are even in rudimentary stereo, owing to the use of separate overlays.

The Thing From Another World is a short score (26:50), so this CD is filled out with Tiomkin's 1953 score to Take the High Ground!, a military-training film from M-G-M starring Richard Widmark and Karl Malden (running 51:47). Tiomkin's score is much more traditional than The Thing and features a rousing military march as a title song, as well as a love song ("Julie"). Take the High Ground! is presented largely in stereo, although the masters are a generation removed from typical releases of M-G-M films of this era.

Dimitri Tiomkin Scores on FSM
About the Composer

Russian composer Dimitri Tiomkin (1894-1979) was larger-than-life both for his showman-like personality and mammoth symphonic scores for epics like Land of the Pharaohs, Giant and The Fall of the Roman Empire. But his sense of theatricality also told him when to go "small" as well as "large," as in the ballad "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling" from High Noon. He wrote everything from the western staple "Rawhide" to the hysterical theremin horror score for The Thing From Another World. He had a knack for melody, for knowing his audience and wearing his heart on his sleeve. IMDB

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Track List
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For more specific musician lists for the scores on this album, go here:
Take The High Ground!
The Thing from Another World

Leader (Conductor):
Johnny Green, Dmitri Tiomkin

Sam Fiedler, Sam Freed, Jr., Werner L. Gebauer, Sidney Greene, Mort Herbert, Arnold T. Jurasky, Bernard Kundell, Joy Lyle (Sharp), Arthur Maebe, Sr., Lisa Minghetti, Irving Prager, Lou Raderman, Albert Saparoff, Byron Williams

Cecil Figelski, Allan Harshman, Virginia Majewski, Reuben Marcus

Alexander Borisoff, Julian Kahn, Edgar Lustgarten, Michel Penha

George F. Boujie, Simon Green, Peter A. Mercurio, Arthur Pabst, Louis Previati, Arthur Shapiro

Haakon Bergh, Julius Furman, Maxim Gershunoff, Arthur Gleghorn, Arthur Hoberman, Julius Kinsler, Martin Ruderman, Sylvia Ruderman, Henry Woempner

Alex Duvoir, Bob Frost, Philip Memoli

John Becker, Gus Bivona, Gerald Caylor, R. H. Dickinson, Henry Emerson, Dominick Fera, Mort B. Friedman, Alex Gershunoff, Glen Johnston, Andreas Kostelas, Don Lodice (Logiudice), Mitchell Lurie, D. H. McKenney, Robert E. Nelson, Louis Nuzzi, Neely Plumb, Hugo Raimondi, Louis Sarli, Lyle E. Sharpe, Gabriel Tose, Antonio Villa, Andrew Young

Charles A. Gould, Glen Johnston, Kenneth Edgar Lowman, Jack Marsh, Joe Palange

Jack Chaney

French Horn:
John W. "Jack" Cave, Vincent DeRubertis, Leon Donfray, Fred Fox, Arthur Frantz, Wendell Hoss, Herman Lebow, Sinclair Lott, Joe Mariani, Jean C. Musick, Tibor Shik

Kenneth Apperson, Morris Boltuch, Colin Creitz, Ralph Fera, Robert H. Fleming, Maxim Gershunoff, George Kennedy, Sidney Lazar, Sam Levin, Louis Mitchell, Martin Peppie, Harley Pitts, Uan Rasey, Clyde Reasinger, Joe Triscari, James C. Zito

Walter Benson, Charles Campbell, Louis Castellucci, Daniel D. Cerilly, George Faye, Randall Miller, Richard Noel, Al Sherman, Herb Taylor, Harry Wallace, Seymour "Cy" Zeldin, Simon Zentner

Baritone Horn:
Norman Bartold, Harley Pitts

Jack Barbray, Philip G. "Lofty" Smearer

Jacob Gimpel, Max Rabinowitsh, Milton Raskin, Edward Rebner, Raymond Turner

Chauncey Haines

Jack Marshall, Vincent Terri

Catherine Gotthoffer (Johnk), Zhay Clark Moor

Fred Travers

Sam Hoffman

John T. Boudreau, Frank L. Carlson, Lou Erickson, Preston Lodwick, Mel Pedesky, Harold L. "Hal" Rees, D. V. Seber, Graham Stevenson, Jack L. Watson

Orchestra Manager:
Manny Harmon, James C. Whelan

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