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Pretty Maids All in a Row (1971)
Music by Lalo Schifrin
Pretty Maids All in a Row Pretty Maids All in a Row
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Price: $19.95
Limited #: 1500
View CD Page at SAE Store
Line: Silver Age
CD Release: June 2011
Catalog #: Vol. 14, No. 11
# of Discs: 1

Pretty Maids All in a Row (1971) was the first theatrical feature written and produced by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. The black comedy, set in a California high school at the height of the sexual revolution, concerns a popular guidance counselor and football coach (played by Rock Hudson) who has a habit of sleeping with—and possibly murdering—his nubile young students. The film was the American directorial debut of acclaimed French filmmaker Roger Vadim (Barbarella) and its approach to sexuality reflected his European viewpoint (not to mention his own particular fascination with the female form on film). 

Maids needed a composer who could encompass both the pop styles of the day and grittier, more dramatic passages for the picture’s darker side. Lalo Schifrin—with his background in jazz, his classical training and his openness to experimental musical ideas—was the perfect choice to score the film.
Schifrin’s main title is a breezy song (with double-edged lyrics by Mike Curb) sung by the popular bubblegum group, The Osmonds. Its apparent innocence is deceptive, however, for the rest of the underscore is spare and moody. Fender Rhodes piano and cimbalom color the orchestration.
Pretty Maids All in a Row called for an unusual amount of source music: in fact, Schifrin recorded over 20 minutes of it, working in a variety of styles but always complementing the mood of the specific scenes.
This FSM CD presents Schifrin’s complete score—including some music not heard in the film—for the first time in any format. Notes by Jeff Bond and Alexander Kaplan detail the film’s history, including the interesting relationship between Roddenberry and Vadim. FSM’s customary track-by-track commentary highlights Schifrin’s contribution to the story telling.
Pretty Maids All in a Row is so at odds with today’s social and sexual mores that it appears to come not just from another decade, but another dimension. The music, however, is solid Schifrin, and sure to please his legion of fans.
Lalo Schifrin Scores on FSM
About the Composer

Lalo Schifrin (b. 1932) is an Argentinean-born composer, conductor, arranger and pianist who has made a major impact on film, TV, the concert hall and jazz stage. He parlayed an early career as a pianist and arranger for Dizzy Gillespie into a run as one of the hottest film and TV composers of the 1960s and '70s, with projects such as Mission: Impossible, Bullitt, Dirty Harry, Cool Hand Luke, Enter the Dragon and more. His more recent films include the popular Rush Hour series. He is beloved for his Latin jazz but is also an accomplished classical composer and conductor with ongoing recording, composing and performing projects.IMDB

Comments (23):Log in or register to post your own comments

Sweeeeeet!! :D

Schifrin is always ordered!

I've just watched the movie.

One day, maybe, I will enjoy a Roger Vadim's movie.

What a strange movie, for so many reasons. I bought it on VHS because I'm a Star Trek fan, and I'm guessing FSM's pro-Trek stance has something to do with this release too.

What interesting casting, not only of Rock Hudson as the lecherous cheerleading coach, but of the Osmonds as the performers of the credits-sequence song. Is that little Donny Osmond sounding like little Michael Jackson on "Chilly Winds"?

And Trek regular James Doohan, and guest-star William Campbell showed up in supporting roles as well.

I'll get this one, even if only to read the behind-the-scenes stuff about Vadim & Roddenberry.

What a great movie! I love these oddball "black comedy" (I prefer the term
"dark humor") thrillers from the 70's (when sexual attitudes were more liberal...
and fun). I've had this on vhs for many years, and just recently got the Warner
Archive dvd. Angie Dickinson has some great nude scenes. Equally great
Schifrin music. Ordered!


What a great movie! I love these oddball "black comedy" (I prefer the term
"dark humor") thrillers from the 70's (when sexual attitudes were more lax...
and fun). I've had this on vhs for many years, and just recently got the Warner
Archive dvd. Angie Dickinson has some great nude scenes. Equally great
Schifrin music. Ordered!


What interesting casting, not only of Rock Hudson as the lecherous cheerleading coach, but of the Osmonds as the performers of the credits-sequence song.[/endquote]

Well, these are the people who gave us "Crazy Horses" (WAAAAAAAAHHH!!! WAAAAAAAAHHH!!!). That said, who would think you'd ever find the Osmonds and Lalo Schifrin on the same project?

Groovy! Ordered!

What interesting casting, not only of Rock Hudson as the lecherous cheerleading coach, but of the Osmonds as the performers of the credits-sequence song.[/endquote]

Well, these are the people who gave us "Crazy Horses" (WAAAAAAAAHHH!!! WAAAAAAAAHHH!!!). That said, who would think you'd ever find the Osmonds and Lalo Schifrin on the same project?[/endquote]

What's even weirder is the Osmonds participating on such a film, it's hardly Mormon in it's sensibilities.

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Track List
Click on each musician name for more credits

Leader (Conductor):
Lalo Schifrin

Israel Baker, Harry Bluestone, Bonnie J. Douglas (Shure), Assa Drori, James Getzoff, William Hymanson, Anatol Kaminsky, Jacob Krachmalnick, Carl LaMagna, Joseph Livoti, Erno Neufeld, Stanley Plummer, Henry L. Roth, Ralph Schaeffer, Jack Shulman, Paul C. Shure

Myra Kestenbaum, Virginia Majewski, Dan Lionel Neufeld, Gareth D. Nuttycombe, David Schwartz, Milton Thomas

Jesse Ehrlich, Armand Kaproff, Raphael "Ray" Kramer, Nathaniel K. Rosen

Max R. Bennett, Raymond M. "Ray" Brown

Gene Cipriano, William "Buddy" Collette, Dominick Fera, Plas Johnson, John J. Kelson, Ronald Langinger (aka Ronny Lang), Ted Nash, Jack Nimitz

French Horn:
Vincent N. DeRosa, William A. Hinshaw, Richard E. Perissi

Gary A. Barone, Robert O. "Bobby" Bryant, Anthony "Tony" Terran

Dick Hyde, Richard "Dick" Nash, Richard Noel, Benny Powell

John T. "Tommy" Johnson

Ralph E. Grierson, Artie Kane, Lincoln Mayorga

Donald G. Peake, Howard Roberts, Thomas "Tommy" Tedesco, David T. Walker

Dorothy S. Remsen

John P. Guerin, Jerry D. Williams

John E. "Jack" Arnold, Joe Porcaro, Emil Radocchia (Richards)

Orchestra Manager:
Benjamin Barrett

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