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Hawaii Five-0 (1969)
Music by Morton Stevens
Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0
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Price: $14.95
Limited #: N/A
View CD Page at SAE Store
Line: Silver Age
CD Release: September 2010
Catalog #: Vol. 13, No. 14
# of Discs: 1

Certain television themes have become such a part of America’s collective memory that virtually every generation recognizes them. Iconic themes like Dragnet, Mission: Impossible and even Jeopardy demonstrate the power of one unforgettable tune (or even a single phrase) to evoke an entire pop culture phenomenon.  

Morton Stevens’s theme from Hawaii Five-0 certainly belongs to this elite group of TV music legends. It makes a triumphant return to the airwaves with the series’ rebirth on CBS in September, 2010, and FSM is celebrating the occasion with the first-ever CD release of Capitol Records’ soundtrack LP for the original series.
Unlike many TV albums of the 1960s which involved new arrangements and re-recordings of series themes, the Hawaii Five-0 album was drawn from the actual TV recording sessions. Working with his friend and album producer Mel Taylor, Stevens chose to include a balance of both dramatic underscore and more radio-friendly jazz and rock material from the series. The album thus gives a more complete picture of the musical versatility that Stevens—trained at Julliard but also very experienced in popular music—brought to the show.
Once again, FSM is privileged to have authoritative liner notes by noted television music historian Jon Burlingame, incorporating insightful comments from both the composer himself as well as his colleague, Bruce Broughton—all in an eye-pleasing booklet designed by Joe Sikoryak.
Sourced from the original ¼”, two-track stereo masters in the EMI vaults, this CD offers the complete LP program in the best possible sound. Because of the short length typical of LPs of the period, FSM is offering this television classic at a budget price—a piece of history has never been so affordable! To paraphrase: “Buy ‘em, Danno!”
Morton Stevens Scores on FSM
About the Composer

Morton Stevens (1929-1991) was a veteran film and primarily television composer who wrote the famous theme to Hawaii Five-0 and contributed episode scores to all manner of classic shows, including Thriller and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. He was a friend of Jerry Goldsmith's and had a similarly modern orchestral style on many projects; he completed the scoring of the miniseries Masada when Goldsmith was unavailable. In addition to his work as a composer, Stevens was head of music at CBS' West Coast operations (a lengthy stint that began in 1965) during which time he oversaw the scoring of many notable series. IMDB

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First time on CD Hawaii Five-0 by Morton Stevens! Book 'Em Danno!

Time for a lairy Hawaiian shirt and some seriously dodgy canoe miming!!!

I'll be buying a copy.

Thank you to all the boys and girls who brought this to us.

First time on CD Hawaii Five-0 by Morton Stevens! Book 'Em Danno![/endquote]

Oh, it's been BOOKED! :)


First time on CD Hawaii Five-0 by Morton Stevens! Book 'Em Danno![/endquote]

Nice one - at a good price.

There it is. I'm listening to the sound samples now with a big smile.

Will be buying a copy!

Just "Booked It"! My very first Soundtrack LP gets the FSM treatment...thanks Lukas, Jon and FSM for bringing this to us - a true gift, indeed!!!...:-)

At last, I can finally have this music:


Wow! Staccato jump cuts: me reaching for my credit card, followed by accelerated helicopter zoom toward me turning to camera, with my hair perfectly coiffed. Thanks, FSM!

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