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 Posted:   Sep 16, 2012 - 3:54 PM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

The Horror Channel in the UK just showed this pilot episode that never made it to a full series. It was called "The Aliens are Coming" about an alien invasion that starts in Las Vegas and at Hoover Damn.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the score by William Goldstein. Any ideas if the music is available anywhere?

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2012 - 3:56 PM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

Here's the closing theme, which I like a lot (skip to 6 Min 30 Secs):

If the above video still isn't working, try this direct link:

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2012 - 4:34 PM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

I contacted the composer and he replied within five minutes! Sadly, not with good news:

"This score was never released. My company has released many of my older soundtracks. Perhaps if there are a few more requests on this one, we can take the time to search our archives for the recordings and release a soundtrack.

thank you for your interest.

William Goldstein

New Gold Music Ltd.
8521 Allenwood Road
Los Angeles, CA 90046 "

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2012 - 10:27 PM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Here's the closing theme, which I like a lot (skip to 6 Min 30 Secs):

It's basically the opening repeated, although without the narrator from The Invaders and with the addition of the visual sharkjumping that is the QM Productions logo (think about it - Mr. Martin sold his company in 1978, and they binned his signature in the credits and brought on that silly logo. 1978 was also the last year they sold any series, and the company closed down two years later... coincidence? I don't think so).

That said, if this came out I'd buy it.

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2012 - 7:52 AM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

I really tried to like that film, since they announced it as an "INVADERS reboot" but the aliens are totally cornball and the efx sub par and the aliens turn GREEN and die instead of RED..Max Gail was phoning in his part. That said, I probably would buy the music just for nostalgia's sake.(for QM productions)

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2012 - 9:08 AM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

I contacted the composer and he replied within five minutes! Sadly, not with good news:
"This score was never released. My company has released many of my older soundtracks. Perhaps if there are a few more requests on this one, we can take the time to search our archives for the recordings and release a soundtrack.

William Goldstein

isnt this good news? An immediate reply and personal offer to actually look for the music?! If you start a petition here (or somewhere) and get some folks to show interest, you could forward the thread to William Goldstein.
I didnt care for the closing theme, but did like the music used within the episode clip above. Plus being from 1980, it's still got a 70s sound, which has some nostalgia appeal.

So when you're possessed by Aliens, your eyes get a Certs with Retsyn twinkle....

You're right. Somehow I hadn't quite appreciated what was being offered there! So, are there any more requests for this?

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2012 - 9:39 PM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

I got a reply from Mr. Goldstein myself just now..

Would you like to organize a group to commit $200 of studio time on this project?

any of you guys wanna chip in to get this released?

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 6:52 AM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

All I know is what I posted...he didn't mention any details. Probably the 200 bucks is to cover transfer & mastering time in the studio.... I would assume he has the entire thing, from the way it sounds. Write him and ask.All we need is ten people to chip in 20 bucks. Maybe he would give those folks a discount on the score.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 8:07 AM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

or 20 people to chip in ten bucks....or 50 to chip in 4 bucks....or 200 chip in a buck.....

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 12:22 PM   
 By:   Jeff Bond   (Member)

If I recall correctly, this is the one where the aliens look like a jar of olives...

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 1:41 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Write him and ask. All we need is ten people to chip in 20 bucks. Maybe he would give those folks a discount on the score.

I emailed him (forgot to ask about a discount). I also inquired about his "Twilight Zone" (1985) scores. IMDB shows 3 episodes, but I dont know if they were all unique scores, or tracked between episodes.
Clips of the three episodes are on youtube.
– Time and Teresa Golowitz/Voices in the Earth (1987) Season 2, Episode 10
– The Card/The Junction (1987) Season 2, Episode 8
– Her Pilgrim Soul/I of Newton (1985) Season 1, Episode 12

Full credits list:

Since, assuming it was all original score, which is very likely, it was only two shows and one segement, then it would be very little score. Probably half a CD or less.

MV said here a month or two ago, it takes about $20,000 or more to produce a CD, from various costs. I seriously doubt the quality of a product, and its mastering. that would be thrown together on the cheap.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 1:54 PM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

I don't know, Justin....I've produced several CDs on my own that sound fine for way less than 20 G's.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 1:55 PM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

Maybe he just wants a little upfront cash prodding to do it.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 2:11 PM   
 By:   MikeP   (Member)

Maybe he just wants a little upfront cash prodding to do it.

That's more than likely it. If he has the music , he just - understandably - wants some incentive to actually dig it up from wherever, then do whatever assembly and/ or mastering is needed to make it presentable.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 3:22 PM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

I'd certainly pay $20 for a release of this.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 3:26 PM   
 By:   Charles Thaxton   (Member)

I think everyone who reads this thread and wants the score should drop him an email and express the interest.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 3:34 PM   
 By:   pooter   (Member)

I think everyone who reads this thread and wants the score should drop him an email and express the interest.

I've just emailed him my interest. If it turned out that $200 was enough to get this music into a few donors hands that would be fantastic.

Is this a new model for getting obscure soundtracks released?!? ha ha.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 7:35 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

While I apprecie what he's doing, what it is, is a new model to not get legal clearance from the rights holders, and avoid the AFM.

If he handed out promtional CD's, he might fall into some grey area, but this -- I don't imagine it's anything but trouble.

Somebody on this board, it might have been Thaxton, said about a year or two ago, when somebody here inquired about the scores for this show, something along the lines of "Good things come to who wait".

The studio must have some interest, otherwise the Dennis McCarthy CD, sold at his site, wasn't legal then, and the Grateful Dead one from Silva Screen, also not so.
I'm betting some label would get more talk from the studio.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2012 - 9:27 PM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Does he have PayPal?

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2012 - 11:43 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Passage of time doesn't make something right. Doing something repeatedly doesn't make a person in the right.

And last I heard, promotional CD's are just that -- promotional; hey are not licensed for sale.

I'm, sue Lukas or MV can step in here and clear it up, even give some vague idea of the AFM fees that could be associated with the usage. Assuming there was no choir, which would cost more. And whether releasing this stuff, might hinder a future multi-CD set.

If a composer wants to hand out promos to people not in the industry, he can -- not supposed to, but I've yet to see a single composer get in trouble for this. If he wants to ask for a little when a person contacts him, or that person offers some, that's between him and the individule, though still circumnavigating the AFM (though in a more grey area with a promo). And, as MV pointed out: "Something to keep in mind when companies produce projects like this -- we are still held accountable for stuff like AFM and SAG fees."
Which I assume, for SAG, means if they use a picture (or likeness?) of any of the actors, they have to pay for that, too, so if Goldstein puts anybody on the inserts...

Again,. I'm happy he replies to fans, cares, and wants to make the effort.

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