I am stunned that we have gotten this far in posting and no one --- NO ONE --- including the esteemed Mr. Kendall has seen fit to mention the composer's name---Andre Previn!!! Previn is the reason I bought this, period.
if this cd said "Music composed and conducted by Jerry Goldsmith" it would have been a good seller.
Posted: |
Aug 22, 2022 - 8:46 AM
By: |
Hurdy Gurdy
I bought a copy of this CD last week off eBay (£6.99 including postage...BARGAIN!!!). I have a small amount of scores by Andre Previn on CD and, as others have noted here and elsewhere, one can hear lots of trace elements between his film scores and that of his good friend John Williams. Indeed, back in my infancy days of getting into film scores (late 70's/early 80's) I remember coming home one evening and switching on the TV (it was a late Friday night and the family had all gone to bed...I must have been around 15 or 16) and the film IRMA LA DOUCE was on. Well, didn't I just go and guess/assume it was by John Williams! What I was hearing sounded so much like the stuff I was playing day in and day out (which was ANY John Williams LP's I could lay my hands on at the time). I quickly grabbed a tape and recorded the film off the telly, for future cassette transfer (I would later find out, via Halliwell or some such, that it hadn't been a Johnny Williams score I had missed, but I loved the music nonetheless). Anyway, just hearing that harpsichord and those strident strings and timpani in this score (DEAD RINGER) sure puts one in mind of old JayDubya, doesn't it. JANE EYRE, FAMILY PLOT and any number of early TV scores by JW spring to mind. And those old TWILIGHT ZONE TV scores too, by our other genre faves. Oh, and I keep hearing a refrain that recalls Rosenthal's CLASH OF THE TITANS!! (I know). It led me to buy a brand new copy of THE 4 HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE for just over £4, which I will play in due course. But for now, this rather splendid music is echoing through the chambers of Casa Kevania and mighty fine it is too.
I feel like I've posted multiple times about my love for this score (and practically all of Previn's MGM work, to be honest), but apparently not in this thread. So yeah -- I agree with all the positive stuff said about this one, the Williams-esque harpsichord flavor (which I guess was really Previn-esque, when Williams did it later), etc. Still super sad that the Previn at MGM collection Lukas was working on (presumably to close the book on his surviving output for the studio) never came to pass. But I guess if this great score didn't sell well, I can understand why it might not have been such a high priority for Lukas to get across the finish line before retiring FSM. Yavar