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 Posted:   Sep 17, 2011 - 5:20 PM   
 By:   GreatGonzo   (Member)

This'll be interesting, I should think...

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2011 - 5:44 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

A bit similar to this ol' comparison between STAR WARS and Wagner:

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2011 - 7:29 PM   
 By:   Doug Adams   (Member)

Quite different, actually! smile

This is more about the composers' musical reactions to myths than about the myths themselves. It's not 'dissertation-deep' -- this is a concert, not a lecture, after all -- but hopefully it's a strong combination of music and insight. It's kind of like a concertized version of an FSM Podcast, only with the music far more in the spotlight ... and we're allowed to play the whole piece! So, at the very least, it's about two hours of gorgeous music.

There's a bit more detail here, including a run down of the selections:

If it works, we may be able to tour around.



 Posted:   Oct 8, 2011 - 9:16 PM   
 By:   GreatGonzo   (Member)

So, at the very least, it's about two hours of gorgeous music.

Indeed it was; a very enjoyable and stimulating evening! I had a great time, and I may end up listening to some more Wagner in the future. Possibly even the parts with singing.

The KSO did a great job, and Doug Adams narrated the evening in an eloquent and efficient manner that tempts me to call him "film music's David Hyde Pierce" from now on. But I won't.

If it works, we may be able to tour around.

That would be great; I enjoyed the mix of people that came to this, it would be terrific to have more events like this one that bring different audiences together.

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