Finished season 1 of The Recruit. Very good. Now starting season 2.
On my list Joan.
I'm also enjoying Astrid Murder in Paris, French cop series about a severly autistic criminal records librarian who is so good at details and retaining files information she helps a cop solve crimes. Well made, especially for anyone who has someone they know on the spectrum, as it also covers her struggles and group therapy to cope with how they see life.
Finished MAN ON THE INSIDE on Netflix, from the makers of BROOKLYN 9-9 and THE GOOD PLACE. And you can tell (most of the people in it featured in those two previous shows and the humour/style is very much the same). Just a lovely 4 hours of entertainment (8 x 30 min eps). No violence or sex or torture or murder/death/kill. Good acting, nice characters, decent values...proper old-fashioned stuff. More please.
It was always on my 'to watch' list, Bill, once I got Netflix reactivated in the new house. I'm a fan of Mike Schur's other stuff (see above). Have you seen his other shows?