According to today Star Trek FB page, 25% off discount on the Ron Jones Project ordering from SAE:
"Get an exclusive 25% off discount on Star Trek Soundtracks using code StarTrek. For Wrath of Khan:, Search For Spock:, The Next Generation Enter the code on the final page of checkout to apply the discount."
It's not working for me, Loren. Can you please post a link to the Star Trek Facebook page?
The bit about Disney not licensing Ducktales would be most unfortunate. It's my most wanted cartoon series.
Same here, but I think the labels have managed to convince Disney on releasing some great grails so fingers crossed. Mabey when Disney gets bought out again
I've made my own custom covers for the set mainly for Itunes purposes; I decided to do a cover for each disc in the set. I used the same font/images from the FSM booklet and the disc button follows the same color as the booklet per season; I started making these when I first got the set, then forgot about them, and found them again today on the hard drive and decided to finally get them done. Enjoy.
I've made my own custom covers for the set mainly for Itunes purposes; I decided to do a cover for each disc in the set. I used the same font/images from the FSM booklet and the disc button follows the same color as the booklet per season; I started making these when I first got the set, then forgot about them, and found them again today on the hard drive and decided to finally get them done. Enjoy.
Thank you, thank you, Frances! I really enjoy having alternate artwork for iTunes. Just yesterday, I finished downloading some beautiful alternate covers created for Star Trek: The Original Series Collection. I don't suppose you (or anyone else) would know of good places to grab some additional artwork for either set? Again, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, thank you, Frances! I really enjoy having alternate artwork for iTunes. Just yesterday, I finished downloading some beautiful alternate covers created for Star Trek: The Original Series Collection. I don't suppose you (or anyone else) would know of good places to grab some additional artwork for either set? Again, thanks for sharing!
I'm sure you'll find episodic covers for the sets (in this thread or others on the board if you look for artwork). I didn't get the TOS boxset, sticking to the later series and might make similar 'disc' covers for the la-la sets.
I don't know that anyone would buy Season 5 on Blu-ray just for this bonus feature, but for those collecting the series, here's something to look forward to:
The absolute best special feature however is "In Conversation: The Music of Star Trek: The Next Generation," with Jeff Bond (author of The Music of Star Trek) discussing the scores and the industry with composers Ron Jones, Jay Chattaway and Dennis McCarthy. A unique and entirely engaging special feature running an hour and a quarter.
I don't know that anyone would buy Season 5 on Blu-ray just for this bonus feature, but for those collecting the series, here's something to look forward to:
The absolute best special feature however is "In Conversation: The Music of Star Trek: The Next Generation," with Jeff Bond (author of The Music of Star Trek) discussing the scores and the industry with composers Ron Jones, Jay Chattaway and Dennis McCarthy. A unique and entirely engaging special feature running an hour and a quarter.