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Jul 21, 2009 - 7:26 PM
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I love the score for the first STAR TREK film (and it will always have a special place in my heart because I worked in the film as an Enterprise crewperson), but the best score by far is WOK. I envy you your experience on the first movie (are you in the Enterprise crowd scene, I presume?), but can't differ with you more strongly on your assessment of the two scores. The undeniable strengths of Horner's score aside (which I would posit lay mostly in his suspenseful scoring of the climactic sequences), it's not a patch on Goldsmith's magnificent, magisterial work on the first film. I find some of Horner's work on TREK II thin-sounding, his villainous Khan music tired and unimaginative, even at the time it came out, and the main theme, however nautical, more wan than stirring. I was glad when he moved away from the series after his second score. At a concert I attended, Goldsmith confessed to not being able to relate to Star Trek. Well, you sure can't tell from the landmark score he wrote for what is admittedly an uneven film: from the captivating Klingon music, to the lovely space ballet music for the early Earth orbit sequences, to the mind-blowing Kubrickian odyssey music for Spock's space walk. I don't find Horner's score approaching that level, in any portion of his score. That said, I still like Horner's score for what it is and am looking forward to ordering my copy. I would have done it immediately if this wasn't an unrestricted release!
Look for the SAE table at booth #429 at COmic Con 2009 (not sure if we'll be up for preview night but definitely starting Thursday). Lukas
WOW!! Finally THE RIGHT STUFF is done justice with a complete score soundtrack CD and now one of my favorite scores EVER is released in it's entirety! Sorry I missed this earlier, but I think it's important not to get your hopes up for something that does not yet exist. What Varese recently released on CD was not the COMPLETE soundtrack (the original tapes are assumed to be lost, I believe), but rather the soundtrack album which Conti had originally assembled for release on LP when the movie was first in theaters. The LP was cancelled because of the film's disappointing box-office. --The new CD is an important, satisfying, thrilling release, to be sure . . . just not a COMPLETE one.
--The new CD is an important, satisfying, thrilling release, to be sure . . . just not a COMPLETE one. Out of curiousity, what important Conti pieces are missing? I haven't seen the film in many years...
Finally the wait is over. Another score grail given to us...now if they can release the complete score for Star Trek 3 another long over due Horner score to be presented in its entirity. I hope they will press more copies of Journey of Natty Gann as I missed out on getting that added to my collection. Moviemusic.com still have copies of Natty Gann available. Not anymore. When you press 'add to cart' it says 'no longer in stock'.
@LTWeezie: Might I ask where you got a complete soundtrack to THE RIGHT STUFF? I don't see that on this FSM site. Searching the internet, I can only legitimately find the old version combined with North and South, which I already have. I just found out about this site. This ST:TWOK release looks nice, and I'm excited about getting a CD of THE TWILIGHT ZONE MOVIE. I still have my LP kicking around somewhere. Thanks. Shawn M. Portland, OR WShawn, I'm in Portland, too! Who'da thunk there'd be another film score fanatic in my town.
Well, I got the CD at Comic-Con. A little section of a toy booth cordened off for you, it looked like. Fantastic CD. Very nice liner notes, great pictures, and it sounded awesome. Thanks FSM/SAE !!!!