The youth love to watch long movies because if they pay, they want to see something substantial. They are craving meaningful content.
Bullshit. They have no attention span to speak of. And are too thick for ' meaningful'.
Agreed, all the evidence says otherwise.
I might contend otherwise. Not all the time, sure, but at least in my case, give me more of what I love. Its how I marathon-view Game Of Thrones seasons.
Apologies - I don't mean to temporarily deflect assessments of Mankind's generally rank stupidity.
Sure, shouldn't box all youth together but considering we live in a world of instant gratification, short form videos and tweets I'd say its generally true.
Nor are all movies alike. I am sure we can all think of horrible 90 minute movies where we feel every minute, or can think of 2 1/2 hour or longer movies that feel like they fly by. Saying something longer is always better is ridiculous.