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 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 5:44 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Now available in any country where it is already Friday

1 Born Of Blood (Then) 1:44
2 Headed For Trouble 0:50
3 Blood Club Voices 1:25
4 Party Crasher 1:08
5 Quinn Stapled And Torched 1:29
6 Quinn Chows Down 1:11
7 Daywalker 1:27
8 The House Of Lords 3:34
9 Karen Awakens 1:24
10 The Injection 2:06
11 There's A War Going On Out There 2:21
12 The Slap 1:01
13 Glyphs 0:41
14 Somebody's Gonna Take You Out 1:41
15 You've Gotta Learn To Pull The Trigger 0:55
16 Stakeout 0:32
17 High Tech Lair 0:57
18 The Translation Completed 0:23
19 Pearl Fries 0:44
20 The Book Of Erebus 0:53
21 Blade Captured 1:02
22 Whistler's A Mother 0:23
23 The Subway 2:19
24 History 1:27
25 Sunblock 1:33
26 The Last Dawn 1:28
27 A Pain In The Neck 1:07
28 Man In The Street 0:26
29 Top Of The Food Chain 2:01
30 The Beating 0:51
31 Death Of Whistler 1:53
32 A Hurricane's Coming 0:46
33 Intruder 2:46
34 One Big Happy Family 1:46
35 Temple Of Light 4:39
36 Curtis Isn't Himself Today 1:57
37 Blood Relations 2:36
38 The Bleeding Stone 1:48
39 The Ritual Continues 1:58
40 The Thirst Always Wins 3:24
41 The Wraiths Emerge 2:02
42 Defrosted 1:01
43 Quinn Loses His Head 0:45
44 The Blood God 3:14
45 It's Not Over 2:34
Total: 72:12

Track 40 is actually "The Thirst Always WIns" on Apple Music....

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 6:09 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I have the original CD* (which runs approx 34 mins...just checked Discogs) and I can't recall one thing about it, other than it wasn't the Isham style/mood I liked at the time.

I wonder what our resident Isham-ologist Spook thinks about it?

* must have picked it up cheap

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 6:31 AM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

I'm not the resident Isham-historian or whatever, but I always loved this score. It's dark, moody, and Isham's jazz specialties still seem to be applied with such a score that is focused on musique concrete in its opening half and then epic orchestral passages in its back half. I'm very excited to hear the whole score on album since that original release is missing A LOT of material from the movie.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 6:41 AM   
 By:   ryanpaquet   (Member)

I do love the cover art for both of these albums.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 6:48 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

vampires are really into jazz apparently

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 6:50 AM   
 By:   Rameau   (Member)

I quite like the Blade films...but I can't remember a note of the music scores.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 8:50 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

I'm not the resident Isham-historian or whatever, but I always loved this score. It's dark, moody, and Isham's jazz specialties still seem to be applied with such a score that is focused on musique concrete in its opening half and then epic orchestral passages in its back half. I'm very excited to hear the whole score on album since that original release is missing A LOT of material from the movie.

How much of the missing music falls under the "epic orchestral passages"? I don't recall that stuff from the original album TBH and it's what I'm much more interested in.


 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 11:57 AM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

How much of the missing music falls under the "epic orchestral passages"? I don't recall that stuff from the original album TBH and it's what I'm much more interested in.


The third act of the film is loaded with intense action that gets much of the larger orchestral scoring. On the original Varese release I would recommend to check the back half of the track "The Bleeding Stone" as well as the track "The Blood God" to get an indication of what that will sound like before diving into this larger release. The new release looks to have some shorter cues but the tracks 31 - 44 will have a lot of material that is more orchestral compared to the brooding musique concrete of the earlier sections. I find it to be a wonderful and evocative score throughout, myself. I think it has considerably more character than modern score with the same approach like, say, Benjamin Wallfisch's Alien: Romulus.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 1:07 PM   
 By:   spook   (Member)

I have the original CD* (which runs approx 34 mins...just checked Discogs) and I can't recall one thing about it, other than it wasn't the Isham style/mood I liked at the time.

I wonder what our resident Isham-ologist Spook thinks about it?

* must have picked it up cheap

Well mate i have to agree a bit. It worked great for the film but the bit every fan of the film ( the opening blood club scene with the pumping music) wasn’t even Isham.
I far prefer Mark’s drama scores to his action stuff and BLADE was a good example of that. Loved the film but found his score pretty forgettable even though i go back to it every so often. The expansion could turn that listening experience around though…you never know.

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 1:15 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

Im a huge supporter of Varese, but for the love of Pete can they please hire a decent artist?

 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 1:50 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

The third act of the film is loaded with intense action that gets much of the larger orchestral scoring. On the original Varese release I would recommend to check the back half of the track "The Bleeding Stone" as well as the track "The Blood God" to get an indication of what that will sound like before diving into this larger release. The new release looks to have some shorter cues but the tracks 31 - 44 will have a lot of material that is more orchestral compared to the brooding musique concrete of the earlier sections. I find it to be a wonderful and evocative score throughout, myself. I think it has considerably more character than modern score with the same approach like, say, Benjamin Wallfisch's Alien: Romulus.

Thanks for this! I'm very interested to check out the sound clips (or maybe just the whole album if it gets put on Spotify) now. May need to reassess my opinion of the score, even if I make my own cut down 35 minutes highlights edition or something.


 Posted:   Nov 14, 2024 - 2:40 PM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

It's already on Spotify in every country where it's already Friday

 Posted:   Nov 17, 2024 - 2:08 PM   
 By:   Mink   (Member)

BLADE is one of my all-time favorites. Isham's score is perfectly spotted and works like dynamite in the film, as well as a standalone listening experience IMO – and Varese’s Deluxe Edition finally does the music justice.

I’ve made a spreadsheet comparing the cues as used in the film, as recorded and on both Varese albums. Even though reactions here are scarce, maybe some people will find it helpful :-)

To me it’s especially interesting to see what cues were altered or left out of the film. Particularly the original version of “The Beating” since Isham originally quoted that bit for the moment when Blade kills Frost (ending of “The Blood God”) to empathize on the fact that this is Blade’s revenge for Frost killing Whistler. Ironically Isham’s original quote in "The Blood God" got replaced in the film with the very cue it was referencing ("The Beating")!

The changing of the two last cues in the final dub is also worth mentioning. It make perfect sense for the film and enhances the dynamic, although it can be said that the changes are very close to what Isham originally conceived for the scenes. Thus it could be questioned whether or not the musically rather minimal alterations were really necessary. That is except for the sword fight (beginning of "The Blood God") which clearly works better with the tracked bit from "The Subway" used as overlay.

I also much prefer Isham’s orginal and much darker build-up into the end credits. I can see why the film dub goes out on a “hipper” and more dynamic note, but still.

In any case, I’m super happy that this is finally out complete in the treatment it deserves! Bravo, Varese!

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2024 - 9:04 PM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

I'm curious if this release will gain any new converts, because as much as I greatly love all this material now here I do think many will come away thinking of this as "serviceable score." It fits the picture like a velvet glove and that is the goal. But this still remains one of my favorite moody scores of the 90s. I love the sounds here and what Isham is conjuring.

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2024 - 9:32 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

Now serviceable, because Everything sounds like it!!!!

Moody, ambient tones everywhere, oversaturated.

In 97 (I was there, man!) it was a smoother, sleek and at the time unusual approach to Superhero'ing (Revell's Spawn is on the same zip code, but didn't hit like Isham did, nor did that film), that was unexpected (we were all still Elf-Man'ing). Cool zen tonality, makes a good film memorable, IMO, here.

I've loved Isham since the Russian Hill days, and in 97, like The Hitcher, it was rewarding to see him trod unfamiliar terrain, and I think he nailed it.

I'm getting this eventually but it's going to be a tough one to get used to.

The 33min. album nicely tells a story, building from dark electronic ambience to symphonic grandeur, even finishing with a moody, echoing piano motif at the end, reminding me of his earlier works.

Kudos, Mink for sharing your thoughts and spreadsheet. Excellent post, the best kind round here!

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2024 - 10:48 PM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

Now serviceable, because Everything sounds like it!!!!

Moody, ambient tones everywhere, oversaturated.

In 97 (I was there, man!) it was a smoother, sleek and at the time unusual approach to Superhero'ing (Revell's Spawn is on the same zip code, but didn't hit like Isham did, nor did that film), that was unexpected (we were all still Elf-Man'ing). Cool zen tonality, makes a good film memorable, IMO, here.

It's so true! Although ironically enough none of the newer composers have come close to this sound. This was indeed a nice change of pace from what Elfman wrought with Batman and others, or even what Graeme Revell was doing like you said. Though its most kindred cousin is probably Revell's work in this 90s period. It was great to be there. I still remember seeing Blade for the first time. My brother brought it home the week of the VHS release. He had seen it in the theaters and talked it up rightfully so. I had known of Blade from old Tomb of Dracula comics and as a bit player in the darker fringes of the Marvel Comics universe. That movie really injected a shot of adrenaline into the idea of giving C-list characters over to creative people and a respectful studio.

P.S. Big respect to the shout-out to Isham's The Hitcher. That's my favorite score of his!

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2024 - 11:36 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

Now serviceable, because Everything sounds like it!!!!

Moody, ambient tones everywhere, oversaturated.

In 97 (I was there, man!) it was a smoother, sleek and at the time unusual approach to Superhero'ing (Revell's Spawn is on the same zip code, but didn't hit like Isham did, nor did that film), that was unexpected (we were all still Elf-Man'ing). Cool zen tonality, makes a good film memorable, IMO, here.

It's so true! Although ironically enough none of the newer composers have come close to this sound. This was indeed a nice change of pace from what Elfman wrought with Batman and others, or even what Graeme Revell was doing like you said. Though its most kindred cousin is probably Revell's work in this 90s period. It was great to be there. I still remember seeing Blade for the first time. My brother brought it home the week of the VHS release. He had seen it in the theaters and talked it up rightfully so. I had known of Blade from old Tomb of Dracula comics and as a bit player in the darker fringes of the Marvel Comics universe. That movie really injected a shot of adrenaline into the idea of giving C-list characters over to creative people and a respectful studio.

P.S. Big respect to the shout-out to Isham's The Hitcher. That's my favorite score of his!

Cheers, kudos and respect atcha nutsy.

A fave poster, I always read.

I was in a rigamorolle in 97, seeing every film, heading to Circuit City and buying the album cheap, after (Yo DEEP IMPACT!!!). to me. It's follow to share then v. now, the style has been overdone.

The mythos, coolness, history....BLADE hit every cylinder in its mainstream, yet unique.

Listening now, even Isham....this would bomb, seated next to Warrior, Kiss The Girls, Twisted,etc. Ambient, unmemorable sludge.

Filed under "ya had to be there"
Hopefully others share their own view (Hi Mink!!!!!), as I have.

I get it.
I was there and its a happy memory I love to revisit (33m) and anticipate doubling.


 Posted:   Nov 20, 2024 - 11:20 AM   
 By:   Martin B.   (Member)

Both releases arrived today.

I see on Varese's website for Blade they are saying there are 46 tracks.
On the CD there are only 45

It looks like track 19 on the track listing (both on Varese's website and the back cover) "Pearl" isn't on the CD.

On the CD, track 18 is "The Translation Completed" and track 19 appears to be "Pearl Fries".

The CD is the same as the digital release.

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2024 - 11:37 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Varese's US website lists 45 tracks:

It's only the international website storefront that lists 46:

Although the blurb at the top of all pages has the same "This Deluxe Edition vastly expands the sequence into a 45-track, 72-minute program, with new liner notes by Daniel Schweiger" sentence.

So, it seems they just accidentally uploaded a prototype tracklist to the international store. Someone must have decided to drop "Pearl" from the program at some point.

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2024 - 11:42 AM   
 By:   Martin B.   (Member)

Varese's US website lists 45 tracks:

It's only the international website storefront that lists 46:

and the track listing on the back cover of the CD, and the track list inside the booklet

I wonder if the CD supplied by the US site will only list 45 tracks on the cover ?


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