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 Posted:   Jul 24, 2024 - 2:13 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

If only solium had a "Mr. Boogedy" super duper, supernatural third eye, he'd be set.

 Posted:   Jul 24, 2024 - 6:19 PM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

Your winter sweater awaits:

Whats so freaky? Have you seen the average looking American gurl nowadays?

 Posted:   Jul 26, 2024 - 1:32 AM   
 By:   Moonlit   (Member)

TWISTERS---the movie beat expectations with an impressive $80.5 million domestic premiere weekend.
Director Lee Isaac Chung said the movie's final scene had a kiss between Glen Powell and Daisy Edgar-Jones which was deleted based on producer Steven Spielberg's note, “I feel like audiences are in a different place now in terms of wanting a kiss or not wanting a kiss. I actually tried the kiss, and it was very polarizing – and it’s not because of their performance of the kiss. This [no-kiss shot] was the other option that I had filmed on the day, and I got to say, ‘I like it better. I think it’s a better ending.’
If it ends on the kiss, then it makes it seem as though that’s what Kate’s journey was all about – to end up with a kiss. But instead, it’s better that it ends with her being able to continue doing what she’s doing with a smile on her face.”
Edgar-Jones said, “I think it’s a Spielberg note, wasn’t it? I think it stops the film feeling too clichéd, actually. I think there’s something really wonderful about it feeling like there’s a continuation. This isn’t the end of their story. They’re united by their shared passion for something.”
Powell added, “I feel like a kiss would be sort of unrepresentative of the right goal at the end of the movie. And it is a good Spielberg note. It’s why that kid is still in this game. It’s amazing.”

A lot of gobbledegook for holding out for a sequel. roll eyes

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