Man, this one stings! I absolutely adore his dry witty humor. I was a huge fan of his television series The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart and loved him as Bernard in The Rescuers movies. RIP.
Absolutely a Giant of dry witty humor. I've been watching the first 4 seasons of his legendary first sitcom "The Bob Newhart Show", from 50 years ago, on DVD. He did quite a few commentaries with his cast & a few directors. Well worth a listen. Most of the cast is now gone, save for Peter Bonerz, that wacky Dentist, who turned into a Director on the series. Bonerz is soon to be 86 years old.
Newhart is now somewhere exchanging witticisms with his friend of years gone by, Don Rickles.
MeTV recently ran Newhart's episode of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, where he played a sinister husband, and it struck me how he never changed. The way he looked 61 years ago was pretty much how he looked his whole adult life. Either Bob Newhart was never young, or he never got old.
CBS is going to air a tribute to Bob Newhart on July 22nd, Monday (2024) titled "Bob Newhart: A Legacy of Laughter".
Check your guides for exact times, but probably 8 to 10pm is a good guess. It will include his final interview, as well as behind the scenes clips from his life.
those shows are a such comfort food, I especially like that more recent one in Vermont, that was a good show. Classic guy. We will miss you Bob.
Love how he had a "no kids" rule in his shows. He had to fight producers on that all the time. Not every comedy needed a smarty pants brat to illicit laughs. Someone gave me a biography on Newhart for Xmas one year. I can't find it at the moment. I hope I have it boxed up somewhere.
While I never much cared for his 1980s TV show, the 1970s one was often excellent. I haven't seen it in many years, but the fond memory and its very mid-'70sness makes me want to do a rewatch.
Alao, my childhood best friend had Behind the Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart on LP, which his dad bought for $0.50 at a yard sale. Loved that Kennedy-era humor, and anyone who namedrops the great Herbert A. Philbrick is okay in my book.