Well, if you've seen any of my film review elsewhere you'll guess I like the sword and sandal films. They have a cheesy charm and sometimes decent music. So any with Hercules in the title. Hercules against the moonmen. Hercules and the captive women. Hercules and the tyrants of Babylon. Hercules unchained Son of Hercules : the land of darkness. Giants of Rome. All contain highly buffed hunks Edit Hetcules unchained was filmed by Mario Bava, so looks lovely.
Whoa! any film called Santa's Claus conquers the Martians has GOT to be watched!! Please report back on its score on the awfulometer, DiB
They have a cheesy charm ..... My first read of this was "They have a cheesy smarm...."
All contain highly buffed hunks Not quite the recommendation you think this is, since, to my mind, HBH's can be BEYOND BORING if they don't have anything interesting (or "interesting") to do.
All contain highly buffed hunks Not quite the recommendation you think this is, since, to my mind, HBH's can be BEYOND BORING if they don't have anything interesting (or "interesting") to do. They bend things, bash things, pout, pose, flex, bang heads. What more do you want.
I thought there's be a bevy of people who'd know cheezy SciFi and could recommend titles. Or maybe there IS a bevy, and they could recommend nothing from the list?
Most of the sci fi listed, I think, are laughably bad. But I'm no authority. Herc, on the other hand...
Most of the sci fi listed, I think, are laughably bad. But I'm no authority. Herc, on the other hand... And your point? I know more about sword n sandal.
Well, a careful perusal of the booklet tells me that all of these titles were DOGS. I looked at one and fast-forwarded through the whole damned thing. I only learned that Brandon Lee had a lovely complexion.
Well, a careful perusal of the booklet tells me that all of these titles were DOGS. Well then. It depends on what you fancy - mongrel otr pedigree.
Well, a careful perusal of the booklet tells me that all of these titles were DOGS. Well then. It depends on what you fancy - mongrel otr pedigree.