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 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 3:44 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

The "songtrack" for this 1998 sequel doesn't have any score cues, even though it includes the best version of the gorgeous "He Lives In You" (even better than the Broadway version) - the best song of the entire LION KING universe.

BUT....has there ever been a score release, or talk of a score release of Glennie-Smith's music?

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 5:41 AM   
 By:   JonesIndiana01   (Member)

Not that I know of. Would love a release of this though.

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 5:43 AM   
 By:   TacktheCobbler   (Member)

Doing some quick research, it does not look like there’s a score release for this one. In point of fact, I’m not sure any of the DTV sequels of the late 90’s/early 00’s have had score releases. I certainly wouldn’t mind a release as this is one of the better DTV sequels Disney put out and yes, “He Lives in You” is given a fantastic arrangement here.

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 5:48 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

BAMBI II and MULAN II did feature a few score tracks by Bruce Broughton and Joel McNeely on their respective album CDs.
But expanded score releases would be nice.

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 6:30 AM   
 By:   mstrox   (Member)

A few DTV movies had score representation - the Aladdin sequels, Three Musketeers, Mulan 2, Bambi 2, Brother Bear 2, The Fox and the Hound 2, and of course the Tinker Bell movies. I can’t say I wouldn’t prefer premieres of theatrical scores like The Rescuers or expansions of very underrepresented scores like Lilo and Stitch, but I’d probably put ears on some of the DTV stuff.

 Posted:   Apr 19, 2024 - 4:11 AM   
 By:   DynoDux   (Member)

I'd also love a release of this score, but I imagine it will never happen.

One of the main themes (which itself is based on cues from 'Drop Zone') is one of the first versions of what is now widely known as the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' theme.

I just can't see Disney having any appetite to risk highlighting this fact just to make us film score fans happy.

Much of Nick Glennie-Smith's music is commercially unreleased unfortunately and he did quite a lot of great stuff in the mid-late 90s. I love his 'Man in the Iron Mask' score (which thankfully did get a CD release).

 Posted:   Apr 19, 2024 - 4:47 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

And here I thought in this digital world they’d make more of this music available to the public. No CD pressings, no booklets to write or print, just put the music up digitally. Sure I prefer a CD release but at least do the lazy thing and upload it to digital platforms.

 Posted:   Apr 19, 2024 - 5:04 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Much of Nick Glennie-Smith's music is commercially unreleased unfortunately and he did quite a lot of great stuff in the mid-late 90s. I love his 'Man in the Iron Mask' score (which thankfully did get a CD release).

Agreed. If you take away the Zimmer collaborations and the non-film work, I count MAN IN THE IRON MASK, WE WERE SOLDIERS, HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME, ATTILA, JULES VERNE and A SOUND OF THUNDER. Not that impressive for a man with such a rich career. At the very least HOME ALONE 3 should get a commercial release, what with the massive popularity of that franchise. And LION KING 2, of course -- it has some action cues that sound like leftovers from THE ROCK or, perhaps, a precursor to PIRATES, as previously noted!

 Posted:   Apr 19, 2024 - 9:30 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

This thread spurred me to check out some NGSes I wasn't already aware of, and then I stumbled on to his library music albums between 1981 and 1992 -- and Holy Hallucinations, Batman! how great they were! Glorious instrumental synthpop excursions. But I'm derailing my own thread.

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