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 Posted:   Apr 4, 2024 - 12:44 PM   
 By:   TheAvenger   (Member)

I don't think I've ever seen 2001:The Year We Make Contact, I really should see it sometime as I've read some good things about it (I saw the original 2001 about four time in the 60s on the big Cinerama screen in London, but I couldn't sit through it now).

2010 is an exceptional movie, vastly underrated because people insist it is an inferior sequel to Kubrick’s seminal film. Watch it without any preconceptions and you will be in for a treat - hard sci fi without all of pretentiousness of a Villeneuve movie.

 Posted:   Apr 4, 2024 - 1:03 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

2010 is an exceptional movie, vastly underrated because people insist it is an inferior sequel to Kubrick’s seminal film. Watch it without any preconceptions and you will be in for a treat - hard sci fi without all of pretentiousness of a Villeneuve movie.

Who wouldn't want a dolphin pool right in their living room?
Such a cool thing!

 Posted:   Apr 4, 2024 - 1:28 PM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

Hyams is one of the few directors who shot their own films, he has a distinct style from his training in fine arts. 2010 is not entirely successful, it is occasionally preachy, and ends up being needlessly talky, but it is well crafted, excellent production design and a fine cast. It is certainly more entertaining and more effective than anything Denis has made, 2010 is not cut not too long, and does not leave the shots pondering pointlessly forever with character staring blankly the way Denis loves to do.

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