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 Posted:   Feb 9, 2024 - 11:40 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

Summary: Hollywood is to cheap and Christopher Nolan is an idiot.

 Posted:   Feb 9, 2024 - 11:46 AM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

I think it's a ploy. If you are moaning about not hearing the film, you are not moaning about how shit they are.

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 2:11 AM   
 By:   Rick15   (Member)

I have no problem hereing dialog......

I do have a lot of issues hearing dialogue though.

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 7:50 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

Why We Can't Here Dialog In Movies Anymore

I have no problem hereing dialog......

I do have a lot of issues hearing dialogue though.

Lol. Maybe Sol was thinking of the old Maine chestnut, 'You can't get there from here." Although every word is capitalized so maybe he's pitching a movie title which has an intentional misspelling like "The Pursuit of Happyness." But then, I think a better title would be "The Unbearable Lightness of Hereing."

I'm using the MV defense of "Not enough characters allowed in the subject line".

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 7:59 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

Why We Can't Here Dialog In Movies Anymore

I have no problem hereing dialog......

I do have a lot of issues hearing dialogue though.

Lol. Maybe Sol was thinking of the old Maine chestnut, 'You can't get there from here." Although every word is capitalized so maybe he's pitching a movie title which has an intentional misspelling like "The Pursuit of Happyness." But then, I think a better title would be "The Unbearable Lightness of Hereing."

I'm using the MV defense of "Not enough characters allowed in the subject line".

But this is a simple spelling error...and might I remind you, he ducked your question and never did explain that "oop" title.

I'm standing by my defense regardless!

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 1:57 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

I think it's probably because about 95% of films has utter shit dialogue.
Quotable dialogue like the abundance of golddust from 60s n 70s films is a thing of past. Lol

In most cases, best not to hear it

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 6:40 PM   
 By:   Mr. Jack   (Member)

 Posted:   Feb 12, 2024 - 6:57 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

I think it's probably because about 95% of films has utter shit dialogue.
Quotable dialogue like the abundance of golddust from 60s n 70s films is a thing of past. Lol

That's certainly true!

 Posted:   Feb 13, 2024 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

If people can't be bothered to fix a typo in their topic title, why should move makers care if you can hear the dialog. Like Stephen Woolston with a title post about "Unversal Music releases" and preferred to "double down" by using that incorrect spelling within his post. Kind of stupid.

Geez, how juvenile are you? Must you always play the gotcha game or take personal jabs? Grow up.

 Posted:   Feb 13, 2024 - 10:20 AM   
 By:   eriknelson   (Member)

As mentioned in the video, many actors are mumblers nowadays and haven't been trained to enunciate their speech. If one can't understand what someone's saying in real time, how can you expect a sound editor to create an intelligible result without looping? Garbage in....garbage out.

 Posted:   Feb 13, 2024 - 10:32 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

If people can't be bothered to fix a typo in their topic title, why should move makers care if you can hear the dialog. Like Stephen Woolston with a title post about "Unversal Music releases" and preferred to "double down" by using that incorrect spelling within his post. Kind of stupid.

Geez, how juvenile are you? Must you always play the gotcha game or take personal jabs? Grow up.

Considering what most of us write here, I don't see how you can seriously take umbrage to the point of name calling. There's no realistic comparison to our posts and what film makers do, so I thought it was obvious I was joking, or making explicit what our jokes were about. I assume you left the typo as a joke. If I was making a personal jab, it was about Woolston since I assume he wanted his topic to be taken seriously. Sorry for offending you.

I appreciate that. My apologies in return if I took your comments the wrong way.

 Posted:   Feb 13, 2024 - 10:35 AM   
 By:   Marine Boy   (Member)

As mentioned in the video, many actors are mumblers nowadays and haven't been trained to enunciate their speech. If one can't understand what someone's saying in real time, how can you expect a sound editor to create an intelligible result without looping? Garbage in....garbage out.

Totally true. One main difference according to the video was studios don't want to spend the money re-recording lines in the studio anymore. Which is really weird since they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on re-shoots.

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