Apparently the first WA releases of 2024 have been announced on the Archive’s Instagram and FB pages. The January releases are: Faithless (1932) The Prince and the Pauper (1937) A Day at the Races Cabin in the Sky Rover Dangerfield Joe’s Apartment Never heard of the first one or the last one, but I’m definitely interested in Day at the Races and Prince and the Pauper, and maybe Cabin in the Sky (which was shown on TCM not too long ago in a new transfer).
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Jan 18, 2024 - 1:22 PM
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COMING TO BLU-RAY FROM THE WARNER ARCHIVE COLLECTION ON MARCH 12th COLT .45 (1957-1960) THE COMPLETE SERIES. A TEN-DISC, 67-EPISODE SET. Set in the American West of the 1870s, Colt .45 stars Wayde Preston as Christopher Colt, a giant of a man who works undercover on a special assignment for the U.S. Army Intelligence Corps to combat the lawlessness on the young country's frontier. Using the guise of salesman for his family's arms manufacturing company, Colt travels alone, bringing law to the dangerous West at the barrel of his family's signature weapon--the Colt .45. This action-packed series made Preston an instant TV favorite, and the series itself featured an impressive list of guest stars including Dan Blocker, Peter Brown, Robert Conrad, Angie Dickinson, Troy Donahue, Alan Hale Jr., and future TV icons Leonard Nimoy and Adam West. During the series’ third season, the character of Sam Colt Jr. (portrayed by Donald May) was introduced as Christopher’s cousin, taking on the family mantle to combat the nefarious villains and outlaws introduced in each episode. Long unavailable and out of public view, now all 67 episodes of COLT .45 are making their home video debut in this Blu-ray collection, which have been meticulously remastered from 4K scans of the original camera negatives. https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=370196
The rest of the March Slate has been announced. In addition to Colt 45 and another volume of Looney Tunes Collector’s Choice, we’ll be getting: The Boob (1926)/Why Be Good? (1929) They Drive By Night 3 Godfathers (1948, includes the 1936 version as an extra) The Little Drummer Girl Stand and Deliver Money Talks