While I’m not entirely sure it fits the bill, I always liked the theme Alex North wrote for Cleopatra associated with her ambition (first introduced in the overture).
For me it’s NO CONTEST: John Powell’s theme in X-Men III: The Last Stand for Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix. Holy shit!!! Particular favorite moment of that theme in the score is 2:28 into this cue: https://youtu.be/drPGnQLVIK4
Rey’s Theme by John Williams is another great example. I guess I’d be a bad Goldsmith fan if I didn’t mention his Supergirl Theme... but I'm more of a Mulan guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4VhpnkMpC8 That's Goldsmith's preferred original version, but I admit I do prefer the final film version, dated synths and all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AARl1cMxS9w
And for something older (Golden Age in fact), how about Franz Waxman’s Anne of the Indies? For the Silver Age, I’ll offer up Ken Thorne’s Hannie Caulder: https://youtu.be/bZRnelQ3438
Here’s a great modern classic TV/streaming example if those count, by my buddy Carlos Rafael Rivera: https://youtu.be/gXtmCdWd1Cs
Are game scores allowed? If so, Juliette’s Theme is my favorite thing Michael Giacchino has written in the past half a decade or so… particularly powerful starting halfway through: https://youtu.be/XBmHJwqayMg
I still don't know what you mean by 'powerful'. 'Powerful' and 'woman' are two words which I wouldn't use in the same sentence (other than this one). I guess Marion's Theme is my favorite theme for a woman.