When I was young I enjoyed the excitement of orchestral music as accompaniment to any imaginative play I might be involved in. Ennio Morricone if I was playing cowboy, for example. Later, soundtracks would accompany my reading. One summer, while immersed in the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, I kept playing the LP of Alex North's SPARTACUS. It captured the spirit perfectly. I also remember that Jerry Goldsmith's FIRST BLOOD became my background of choice for reading my "Spider-Man" comics. Are there any out there that deployed great film music for purposes other than strict listening? So many titles. Days of Heaven (Morricone), Creation (Young), Beau-Père (Sarde), Space 1999 (Barry Gray), Atonement (Marianelli), The Deep (Barry), Fahrenheit 451 (Herrmann)... etc, when reading. Extreme Prejudice (Goldsmith), Damien: Omen II (Goldsmith), First Blood (Goldsmith), Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Goldsmith), Capricorn One (Goldsmith), Total Recall (Goldsmith), Link, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Goldsmith et co.), etc...etc...etc., Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (Herrmann), North by Northwest (Herrmann), The Day the Earth Stood Still (Herrmann... etc...etc. etc.. when I'm out and about.
"Captain to FSM Headquarters. I hear that girls may be aroused by Les Baxter, Kenyon Hopkins, and Lalo Schifrin. Please deploy appropriate cues. Over." Excuse me, this is such a dick comment to somebody trying to bring up something he finds meaningful for discussion. It's why people think of this board as a cesspool. I am very disappointed. I don't want to see any more of this kind of obnoxious dumping on people! Lukas
And now, could we please get back to the topic. Seems like an interesting subject.
And now, could we please get back to the topic. Seems like an interesting subject. I used the play Alien3 by Goldenthal while playing Alien3 on gameboy back in the early 90s. Used to spin Conan when I drew comic books in my early teens (before I moved to music composition). Actually I listened to a ton of music while drawing. Liszt’s Les Preludes, Williams’ Superman, The Black Hole… Empire Strikes Back… the list goes on. Would listen to choice tracks from Thief when I worked out. The kinetic element of Scrap Yard would always inspire me to do better (now unless it’s the exercise bike, I largely train with no music).
When I’m doing work and really need to get into a focused groove I might listen to THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. I love all the original Star Wars scores but EMPIRE specifically works well for working because it ebbs and flows with loud moments and quieter moments, all while the empire theme pops up to energize the proceedings. A NEW HOPE tends to be a bit too action-oriented and lacking the pleasant calmness of Hoth and Dagobah music. And JEDI is a little unfocused and sags on album once the arrival on Endor starts. But EMPIRE… a perfectly balanced score that does the best job of telling a story, musically. And that’s saying a lot about EMPIRE because I think the other two are spectacular.
Oh my gosh I just remembered that I legitimately played JURASSIC PARK’S “Journey to the Island”, specifically the reverent brachiosaurus “hymn” section, while I wrote a paper in high school for a course where we read “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep” and we had to come up with an alternate ending. I was writing about how Deckard was in awe at seeing a real animal for the first time, for which I thought that music was fitting and helped me visualize what I was writing. The teacher loved it. Also, George Lucas has said in interviews that he often listens to film scores when he would write, which I find fascinating because you’re basically pacing out your scenes to the music.
Posted: |
Jul 4, 2021 - 12:12 AM
By: |
Ray Worley
As a younger adult, I used to read to soundtrack accompaniment, but don't do it so much lately as I prefer to focus on one or the other. I still listen a lot when working at home on the computer. Road trips, especially here in Arizona and other Western states, are always accompanied by film music, especially Morricone, Bernstein, Moross, Goldsmith, etc. As a child, my playmates and I used to do sword fights and jousts while the music of EL CID blasted out a window to the back yard. Also, many thanks to Lukas for accepting OnyaBirri's request to ban him. He seemed to get more and more obnoxious with each passing day. It seems like as soon as one obnoxious member like the unlamented Bruce Marshall gets banned, somebody feels like they have to step up and become the new resident "dick". And their argument is ALWAYS, "You don't have a sense of humor." It's very disappointing. If we could all be mindful and try to keep a lid on the unfunny insult "humor", it would go a long way to enhancing the experience of using this board which Lukas graciously and generously hosts for us. I'd hate to see him regret that.
"Captain to FSM Headquarters. I hear that girls may be aroused by Les Baxter, Kenyon Hopkins, and Lalo Schifrin. Please deploy appropriate cues. Over." Excuse me, this is such a dick comment to somebody trying to bring up something he finds meaningful for discussion. It's why people think of this board as a cesspool. I am very disappointed. I don't want to see any more of this kind of obnoxious dumping on people! Lukas Amen and thank you.
"Captain to FSM Headquarters. I hear that girls may be aroused by Les Baxter, Kenyon Hopkins, and Lalo Schifrin. Please deploy appropriate cues. Over." Excuse me, this is such a dick comment to somebody trying to bring up something he finds meaningful for discussion. It's why people think of this board as a cesspool. I am very disappointed. I don't want to see any more of this kind of obnoxious dumping on people! Lukas Amen and thank you. This ^ And to the OP, nice thread. It’s a great subject about how film scores have worked their way into becoming the soundtracks Of our lives