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Nov 14, 2020 - 5:27 PM
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Perhaps this has been mentioned here before, but John Archibald has sadly informed me this morning that our mutual friend Philip R. Jaeger, an FSM member since 2003, died last month on October 26 from an aggressive return of the leukemia that he had been fighting for many years. Philip was 72 (born in 1948 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa) and lived in Zion, Illinois. In his later years, he seemed to be an active member of his community, particularly as an actor/director in the local little theatre group. He posted under the handle, “philiperic” and was a regular around here whenever the subject of old Golden Age films and scores were discussed. The last post of his that I can find was on June 17, 2020 in the thread discussing new Warner Archive Video releases of 2020. I am sure there are others here who will remember “philiperic” and his always interesting comments and enthusiasms for the Golden Age of moviemaking. We’ll miss him…… RIP, Philip R. Jaeger
Another one gone. Very sorry to learn about this.