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 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 8:16 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

The studio chose to hire a guy, twice mind you, that really does not understand why fans love the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. I knew I did not like this guy already, but geez what a clueless dork. I do not go to watch a Superman movie to see violence that reflects the world that we live in, I can see that everyday in the news.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 8:46 AM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

Don't even get me started on this guy.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 9:10 AM   
 By:   Warlok   (Member)

I like The Watchmen. I think that was a superb bit of superhero grit - an adult take on superheroism, with a very smart philosophical conundrum. Made you think. But I disliked Man Of Steel, as I`ve writ already elsewhere. I guess I`m trying to declare my appreciation for what Snyder has done, while setting down a distinction between that stuff and his Superman effort.

Falk was Columbo. Thats to say he didn`t just play the role, he was the role. Perfect. Ditto Reeve for Superman. He didn`t need to be and ought not get re-imagined. You *could* confront audiences with more destruction and death while maintaining that superheroism - the 'god' who despite all his power, cannot possibly save everyone... so he has to grow up and learn to make some tough choices. Maybe even make mistakes.

To me, that would be interesting. And seeing that individual clash with the modern world. That too would be interesting.

If you had god-like powers, how would you grapple with the corruption of the modern world? Would you make declarations, dictate, and execute? Would you ignore? Would you see guardianship as babysitting? I don`t know what *I* would do. I have inclinations (grin finger-on-the-button`ishly), but I don`t know what I would do.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 9:16 AM   
 By:   Clark Wayne   (Member)

I'm getting sick of this "Christopher Reeve is Superman" argument.

1) He's dead. He ain't making no more films.

2) If he was alive, he'd be too old for the part.

3) He only made 1 and a 1/2 decent Superman films anyway-the rest were crap.

Stop clinging to the past for f#ck's sake. If you don't like Snyder's Superman, go read the comics or stick your Superman DVD box set on infinite loop, or if you think you're so clever, go write your own version.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 9:18 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

It's not about making Superman real or squeaky clean. It's about making good films. Zack Snyder directs like a fan boy who gets Hollywood size budgets. The end results are hollow and extreme, and never credible.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 9:59 AM   
 By:   random guy   (Member)

I get what he's trying to say but just wish he'd worded it better.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 10:04 AM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)


It's not the lack of Christipher Reeve, it's the lack of good filmmaking and storytelling.

I also like to actually have fun when watching a Superman flick. Man of Steel was not fun in any way.

Not every super hero warrants the dark, serious "real" treatment. I mean, come on, it's a guy flying around in red and blue tights. Are we really supposed to take that seriously?

I'd love to see Snyder's/ Nolan's dark and gritty Pee-Wee's Big Adventure reboot.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 10:48 AM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)


It's not the lack of Christipher Reeve, it's the lack of good filmmaking and storytelling.

I also like to actually have fun when watching a Superman flick. Man of Steel was not fun in any way.

Not every super hero warrants the dark, serious "real" treatment. I mean, come on, it's a guy flying around in red and blue tights. Are we really supposed to take that seriously?

I'd love to see Snyder's/ Nolan's dark and gritty Pee-Wee's Big Adventure reboot.

Don't go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier, then. You can definitely feel Nolan's influence in places, especially in the middle action sequence. Definitely the "grittiest" Marvel action we've had onscreen yet. And it's awesome.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 10:52 AM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

And really, let's get something straight. If Superman put his red Underoos back on, put his hands on his hips, looked directly at the camera and exclaimed "I stand for TRUTH...JUSTICE...and the AMERICAN WAY!" you'd immediately get up and convulsively laugh your way out of the theater.

It's the same reason the Adam West Batman won't work today.

Bryan Singer's Superman Returns was a shameless love letter to the Donner films, which I loved in the 70s, since I'm old enough to have seen them in the theater as a kid. However, Returns was tedious and it was a failure because it was exactly that. And it also tried to give us "Superkid."

Man Of Steel is exactly what the doctor ordered.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 11:10 AM   
 By:   Jehannum   (Member)

I'm getting sick of this "Christopher Reeve is Superman" argument.

1) He's dead. He ain't making no more films.

You fucking genius, you.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 11:11 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

And really, let's get something straight. If Superman put his red Underoos back on, put his hands on his hips, looked directly at the camera and exclaimed "I stand for TRUTH...JUSTICE...and the AMERICAN WAY!" you'd immediately get up and convulsively laugh your way out of the theater.

In context no, not today. But you could set Superman in the 40's. When things were a bit more innocent. (before the war) You could give it a fantasy spin. A mad scientist and his robotic army much like Max Fleischer cartoons.

Besides just because it's dark doesn't make it real or engaging.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 11:12 AM   
 By:   mstrox   (Member)

I liked Man of Steel a good bit, especially the first half of it, and I found myself sucked into the opening Krypton sequences for a bit while flipping through HBO last weekend. My problem with it is that largely, Man of Steel was joyless. That's the best way I could describe it. It's something that I can't even really put my finger on and explain to a message board. My problem doesn't lie with the content but with the tone. The "grittier" comic book movies of late (Nolan's Batman movies, The Winter Solder, Snyder's own Watchmen) did not seem joyless to me, despite their grimness. In those movies, it seemed like somebody was having fun - the filmmakers, the actors, the characters themselves - throughout. I didn't get that vibe from Man of Steel, and it sucked any emotion I could feel about it out of me.

A totally spacey reaction to the movie, but it's subjective and I guess it's as valid as any other smile

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 12:32 PM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

Actually I thought the new Captain America was just right. It did have genuine, good laughs and they poked fun at his goofy character as much as possible while still maintaining a serious tone for the conspiracy / action stuff. A good balance of serious and comic book. The jokes mostly worked (especially his to-do list gag).

I didn't feel any of that in MOS. It was all dreary and any attempt at humor fell flat. I saw it opening weekend and the only time the audience laughed was at the egregious product placement shots of SEARS and IHOP.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 12:45 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I love the original SUPERMAN film (really the first proper superhero adaptation that treated its source material seriously), but I definitely see Snyder's point too. I loved MAN OF STEEL for those reasons. Both can perfectly co-exist with each other.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 12:52 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

And really, let's get something straight. If Superman put his red Underoos back on, put his hands on his hips, looked directly at the camera and exclaimed "I stand for TRUTH...JUSTICE...and the AMERICAN WAY!" you'd immediately get up and convulsively laugh your way out of the theater.

In context no, not today. But you could set Superman in the 40's. When things were a bit more innocent. (before the war) You could give it a fantasy spin. A mad scientist and his robotic army much like Max Fleischer cartoons.

Besides just because it's dark doesn't make it real or engaging.

You have to remember that the target demographic for these films is not comics fandom, it's the "general movie-going public" — the vast majority are nonreaders who might think it's cool to pick up a trade collection once in a while.

I think a 40s-set Supes would make a cool animated feature but it wouldn't make any movie as a live action film.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 12:55 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

Remember when you were 12 and really angry about everything and listening to angry rock and roll music and really into your own angst and how you wanted your parents to leave you alone so you can watch MTV with your friends?

Snyder never outgrew that phase. The guy is a goddamned hack and I find any enjoyment in his movies suspicious of the worst taste.

Man Of Steel was not only a stick, stone stupid film - it was all stolen from other previous films. There is nothing good about it or anything associated with it.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 1:44 PM   
 By:   Warlok   (Member)

Its something to note that the entertaining Frank Miller`s 300 was written by Frank Miller, and that The Watchmen was written by... Neil Gaiman???... .

Maybe he is better executing better material. But anyway, I withdraw. I`ve blabbed eternally about this one elsewhere...

(grin opinionishly)

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 1:55 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

The guy is a goddamned hack and I find any enjoyment in his movies suspicious of the worst taste.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 2:16 PM   
 By:   MikeP   (Member)

Hmm. Well, I detested 300, but liked Watchmen. He did a decent job with an impossible situation, and happily didn't treat the original comic as gospel...which it ain't. Man Of Steel however was awful...ten tons of awful. Not because it wasn't Chris Reeve, it was just a poorly written movie. From the ridiculous opening scene with the flying dragons, to Shannon's General Zod, the WORST comic book movie bad guy ever...I mean he was worse than Arnold's Mr Freeze or Jim Carrey in...anything big grin

And i liked Synder's comment " I really wanted to show the violence is real, people get killed or get hurt and it’s not fun or funny" ... ummm really? You destroy the city, undoubtedly kill millions but who cares...we need another 10 minutes of boring fighting. Then in the end scene...we walk right back into The Daily Planet like nothing happened....

Nah, Synder just needs to stay away from superhero movies.

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2014 - 2:24 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

Shannon's General Zod, the WORST comic book movie bad guy ever...I mean he was worse than Arnold's Mr Freeze

Whatever it is you're should stop. It's not good for you. razz

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