Or it could be the other way around, that in a future of global and unified citizenship, ethnicity is emphasized more individually in clothing etc. I believe that is what I said. A cliche.
But... poor Chekov, though. I think part of an actor's job is to push back against bad costume, hair, and makeup choices. The big stars obviously have a lot of say, often total control over their look, but supporting actors need to stand up for themselves when they're getting the shaft. And Walter Koenig has said, in other contexts, that he took a humble stance when dealing with his Star Trek film roles. So I'd say he was too passive, and Robert Fletcher did him no favors. Also, I don't know how Shatner felt about it, but Kirk's civilian suit and shirt in ST III were not to my liking at all. He could have looked so much better. Why those colors, why that cut? That shirt. No point in asking now, I suppose.
But... poor Chekov, though. I think part of an actor's job is to push back against bad costume, hair, and makeup choices. The big stars obviously have a lot of say, often total control over their look, but supporting actors need to stand up for themselves when they're getting the shaft. And Walter Koenig has said, in other contexts, that he took a humble stance when dealing with his Star Trek film roles. So I'd say he was too passive, and Robert Fletcher did him no favors. Also, I don't know how Shatner felt about it, but Kirk's civilian suit and shirt in ST III were not to my liking at all. He could have looked so much better. Why those colors, why that cut? That shirt. No point in asking now, I suppose. Agreed. The civilian costumes are atrocious in most of these films. I can't, for the life of me, get the image of Bones wearing a nappy in Star Trek II. Ugh.
If it was me I would have them wear their TOS uniforms as causal ware. Wasn't that they were wearing in Star Trek The Motion Picture. I'm probably in the minority, but the best uniforms, not the casual-ware, in TOS were the best, best by far.