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 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 3:50 PM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

Or, perhaps the tapes don't exist. It happens.


You obviously haven't been brushed by the wings of pazuzu. Say "Pazuzu, king of the evil spirits of the air, help me to find the tapes".

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 3:55 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

Standing corrected. I just desperately wanted a complete E2: The Heretic release. I apologize for getting over-angered previously.

Re: Deadly Friend, I have the Perseverance Records orchestral score, which I was very happy to finally have. I have the original synthesized Varese Recordings but it was great to finally have the film versions. So I figured that if the original score could be released as opposed to the original LP of that film, then why not E2.

Again I apologize for that emotional outburst.

Not accepted. Such an outburst is only acceptable, and then only rarely, when directed at MMM or Thaxton.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 4:14 PM   
 By:   SpeakerToAnimals   (Member)

Has anybody received his/her shipping confirmation?
My order is almost two months old and no shipping has taken place yet.

Life is hard for collectors.

Not received mine yet either.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 5:00 PM   
 By:   David Kessler   (Member)

Has anybody received his/her shipping confirmation?
My order is almost two months old and no shipping has taken place yet.

Life is hard for collectors.

Not received mine yet either.

wasn´t it stated on Robins site that it will be in stock mid December or something so chill boys smile

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 5:25 PM   
 By:   Anthony Marose   (Member)

I, too, am curious why other sources of music was not available here. Is it because it's actually missing/damaged, or - like it was already suggested - Warner was not being cooperative for whatever reason? I wanted this music to find a complete release someday, but with the terrible history and missteps of Perseverence, I just can't see myself buying what they release, even in complete form. I just don't trust the mastering or release notes. They've been too shady. And for those who care to defend them, fine. I have every right to express my concern, as well. After all, I did not blow the smoke in the room. I'm simply coughing on it.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 6:01 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I, too, am curious why other sources of music was not available here. Is it because it's actually missing/damaged, or - like it was already suggested - Warner was not being cooperative for whatever reason? I wanted this music to find a complete release someday, but with the terrible history and missteps of Perseverence, I just can't see myself buying what they release, even in complete form. I just don't trust the mastering or release notes. They've been too shady. And for those who care to defend them, fine. I have every right to express my concern, as well. After all, I did not blow the smoke in the room. I'm simply coughing on it.

Wow! You're really obsessed with with knocking Robin Esterhammer. Who the h*** are you to call people shady anyway?

Have you found any court sentences finding Mr. Esterhammer guilty of any crime? No, of course you haven't moron.

You may have a right to an opinion, but you certainly don't have the right to slander anyone you dumb f***. Having the right to free speech isn't the same as having the right to smear other human beings or are you able to tell the difference between the two you self-entitled prick. Cut it out you Troll!

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 6:04 PM   
 By:   Anthony Marose   (Member)

I, too, am curious why other sources of music was not available here. Is it because it's actually missing/damaged, or - like it was already suggested - Warner was not being cooperative for whatever reason? I wanted this music to find a complete release someday, but with the terrible history and missteps of Perseverence, I just can't see myself buying what they release, even in complete form. I just don't trust the mastering or release notes. They've been too shady. And for those who care to defend them, fine. I have every right to express my concern, as well. After all, I did not blow the smoke in the room. I'm simply coughing on it.

Wow! You're really obsessed with with knocking Robin Esterhammer. Who the h*** are you to call people shady anyway?

Have you found any court sentences finding Mr. Esterhammer guilty of any crime? No, of course you haven't moron.

You may have a right to an opinion, but you certainly don't have the right to slander anyone you dumb f***. Having the right to free speech isn't the same as having the right to smear other human beings or are you able to tell the difference between the two you self-entitled prick. Cut it out you Troll!

I smeared no one. I simply spoke of their shady dealings, which have indeed been the truth for some time. I began with a legitimate question and expressed my feelings for their business and their products. Nothing personal.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 6:11 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

The release notes above say: "This is the first release from the Perseverance Reissue line". It also mentions a low $12.98 price.
Seems absurd to complain that a reissue line should not be a reissue, and should be something different that has not been issued before.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 8:00 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Wow! You're really obsessed with with knocking Robin Esterhammer. Who the h*** are you to call people shady anyway?

Have you found any court sentences finding Mr. Esterhammer guilty of any crime? No, of course you haven't moron.

You may have a right to an opinion, but you certainly don't have the right to slander anyone you dumb f***. Having the right to free speech isn't the same as having the right to smear other human beings or are you able to tell the difference between the two you self-entitled prick. Cut it out you Troll!

I don't condone your post, but it's better to just put the people you hate on ignore and leave it at that. I personally don't believe in using any block or ignore feature, in the same manner that I don't believe in censorship just because it might offend someone, but it's made my browsing experience at FSM so much better now that I don't have to read any bullshit spewed out of the mouths of LeHah, JJH, and Shaun Rutherford. As far as I'm concerned, they all still owe me an apology for thinking it was somehow okay to trash the My Little Pony thread I started, but I don't expect any of them to come out and show any sense of humility anytime soon since they're all stuck on being stuck up.

That's okay though. I have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm better than any of them could ever hope to achieve.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 8:30 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I see your point Basil. I have contacted the moderator to try to put an end to the trashing of Mr. Esterhammer. I am no fan of his, but I firmly believe in the rules of decency and fair play. If he has done something wrong, then let him have hisn day in court, but if otherwise, the man has a right not to be smeared by some kangoroo tribunal.

But like I said, I see your point and I do appreciate your input my fellow compatriot.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 8:46 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

My respect is easily gained with time. You had it until you started hanging out with Danny Gonzalez (who owes many people on this board money from years prior plus one Christmas CD from 2010) and then decided a cartoon show defined your personality.

You're small time, acorn. Sorry.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 9:11 PM   
 By:   Mark Langdon   (Member)

Um, LeHah if you read his post he said he has you on ignore. So what was the point in posting that when he can't read it? And what you are posting there is a personal attack. A rather distasteful addition to what has already become a distasteful thread.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 9:22 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

If mentioning his siding with a person who robbed this board blind and repeatedly makes it a point to feign persecution over a silly cartoon is a personal attack, you need to reconsider the difference between fact and opinion.

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 9:33 PM   
 By:   drivingmissdaisy   (Member)

My respect is easily gained with time. You had it until you started hanging out with Danny Gonzalez (who owes many people on this board money from years prior plus one Christmas CD from 2010) and then decided a cartoon show defined your personality.

You're small time, acorn. Sorry.

I think I know who the Christmas CD your referring too. The holiday time is definitely not the time to pull those types of games as most people are more in the giving mood, like myself and hopefully many others.

I'm excited for this release and I love the cover art Robin!!

 Posted:   Dec 15, 2011 - 9:35 PM   
 By:   David Sones (Allardyce)   (Member)

I've dealt with some of the issues in this thread behind the scenes, and because I don't feel like monitoring it for hours, we're done.

To Rainbow Dash I need to say, I really hate it when people bring up old grudges out of the blue in completely unrelated threads. It serves no purpose other than to stir up an unnecessary shitstorm. If you've got Lehah on ignore, perfect. Leave it alone. But I can't blame him for responding to your comments.

I can hardly wait for the next Perseverance thread. *cough*

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