The 60th anniversary of the release of the movie "Up The Down Staircase" will soon be here (in 2027). It would be nice to have a CD release of the soundtrack (expanded, too)! For what? So that 5 people including you buy it? People, understand that record company is not a charity, and with titles like this, the label won't pay the bills, because it has never sold a whole print run in its life. As one of those 5 people, I, too, love this score. It's too bad this did not end up on that massive box that FSM put out with so many United Artists soundtracks, or that Rykodisc didn't release it when they purchased the rights on all the UA soundtracks--just so they could release Frank Zappa's 200 Motels. La La Land, Quartet, Intrada, and others put out such lavish editions. I'm sure a score like Up the Down Staircase is a non-starter for such a presentation. I'm wondering, though, if there is a cheaper option? Download only? Or straight LP transfer without extensive packaging? Still, probably not, but there are so many scores that could benefit from more exposure.
Seems like something Quartet Records might consider as well. I'm all for it as I love Fred Karlin and this is a fun score... I think his first one to ever be commercially released! Yavar
I have Intrada's Ravagers and I think it's actually my favorite Fred Karlin score! Just thrilling and a unique sound world. I had hoped that Intrada might follow it up with more Karlin releases but I'm guessing maybe it didn't do well, which would be a real shame. I'm pretty sure Up the Down Staircase was released on LP before any other score of his though, including Westworld. Also seek out the Karlin scores released on the Reel Music Down Under Label, like Futureworld and The Stalking Moon! Yavar
The reason it wasn't included was because GNP has perpetuity rights. But they also have perpetuity rights on The Cage/Where No Man Has Gone Before/Amok Time/The Doomsday Machine, and LLL just recently released those four scores on an unexpected Vol. 7 of their TOS reissue series, thanks to GNP's cooperation: https://lalalandrecords.com/star-trek-the-original-series-the-1701-collection-vol-7-limited-edition-2-cd-set/ So it's entirely possible that GNP might similarly be willing to work out a deal with LLL for a reissue of The Best of Both Worlds complete, which appears to be sold out from them now. (Hell, maybe they'd even sublicense Generations/First Contact/Insurrection to LLL for new editions -- 2CD on the latter two, for the first time? -- of those Trek scores they control, after their own editions sell out.) Yavar
More music from the TNG-era shows would be great too! I've mentioned before, but I imagine releasing a 2-4 disc set every couple of years with fan-requested material from all four series (a la The Final Frontier) would probably sell well.
Lukas was very clear/specific in his Ron Jones Project online liner notes at the time: https://www.filmscoremonthly.com/notes/box05_disc12.html#ep5 "Ron Jones’s superb music for the two-part “The Best of Both Worlds,” which ended the third season with a cliffhanger and launched the fourth season with a bang, remains hugely popular for its Star Wars-style space action and bold, synthesized choir conveying Armageddon at the hands of the Borg. In 1991, GNP/Crescendo released Jones’s scores from both parts on CD (GNPD 8026) as “Volume Two” of their series of The Next Generation soundtracks. This pre-existing album contractually limited FSM to releasing no more than five minutes of music recorded for the “The Best of Both Worlds,” whether previously released or not." But then years later Lukas helped GNP Crescendo help produce their own expanded releases of Generations/Insurrection/Nemesis, plus "The Best of Both Worlds" and "Encounter at Farpoint" (with the wonderful complete score of "The Arsenal of Freedom" added for good measure... alas that last TV score expansion didn't sell well enough to continue expanding the other pilot scores or TNG Vol. 3/4). For a while it seemed that LLL wasn't going to be able to include any material from scores included on the first two GNP Crescendo TOS volumes, but then in the end a surprise volume 7 was produced (not even at a higher price point!) so they were apparently willing to play ball in terms of licensing after all. I can understand why some are hopeful for a Best of Both Worlds expanded reissue, since the GNP expansion Lukas produced for them has been out of print and unavailable for years now. Yavar