And he's just finished shooting a starring role in Alexander Payne's next movie, NEBRASKA.
For the interested, Arrow Films UK are giving this the Blu-ray treatment due March 28th- with some added features but, looks like no “restoration” to its 2K scan- still one of the tremendous 70s thrillers thanks to director Frankenheimer and that Williams guy too- plus check out the trippy new artwork that looks like a giallo Super Bowl- (PS I see in April that Arrow is releasing another weird blimp-centric picture The Assassination Bureau which is very entertaining as well)
I worked on the layout and booklet design for this title (Peter Strain did the artwork) and was told that additional restoration work has been done, including correcting the opening titles to remove the window-boxing.  Fantastic!!! That was the ONE thing I hoped they had fixed. It's in my top 10 favorite movies ever, and the windowboxed opening credits sequence is so annoying. It's not just on the HD master, it's on the DCP Paramount sends out, I saw a screening a couple of years back at the Chinese, with Robert Evans speaking afterwards, and it had the windowboxing. Luckily, I've seen it on film a couple of times, looking normal.