If you are up for it, I would love to see a cover for Morricone's Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion, Luis Bacalov's La polizia e' al servizio del cittadino?, and a French Connection II cover using this art: https://www.originalfilmart.com/products/french-connection-2-d
Graphic design is not my specialty, but to show my appreciation I am a contributor on the LP Cover Art website: https://lpcover.wordpress.com/author/adanach/ so if anyone here is looking for any particular soundtrack album scans to use as cover art, etc. I can see if I have them in my collection to scan.
Challenging to say the least. French Connection II with that poster is doable though.
Graphic design is not my specialty, but to show my appreciation I am a contributor on the LP Cover Art website: https://lpcover.wordpress.com/author/adanach/ so if anyone here is looking for any particular soundtrack album scans to use as cover art, etc. I can see if I have them in my collection to scan.
Some nice rarities there. I'm looking for a decent scan of the UK release of You Only Live Twice - I did have a copy once but sold it.
Meanwhile I'll throw this into the mix. Posted a few months back. The Poseidon Adventure:
Unforgiven - I thought this image was better suited to the score and those sublime versions of Claudia's theme.
Using GIMP, I created custom covers for the Karate Kid 4 CD set since there were no individual covers. I also created custom covers for the FSM Superman set because that set also lacked individual covers. The links take you to images that are all 1000 x 1000.