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 Posted:   Jun 5, 2013 - 11:40 AM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

It's pretty common for people to leave things by the curb for others to take away for free, especially after a yard sale. (That's how I found my copy of Williams' DRACULA on cd.)

So while this person's heart is in the right place, they're really not working with full deck.

Yes, that's a meat dish that was left out in the bright sun, with the hope that someone will take it away and eat it.

Sheesh. This house is not 4 blocks away from a homeless encampment, where they could take the food and have it eaten within minutes.

 Posted:   Jun 5, 2013 - 11:57 AM   
 By:   Adam.   (Member)

Sitting on top of the World's Best Cat Litter to boot!

Perhaps a gift for the garbageman?

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2013 - 11:10 PM   
 By:   dan the man   (Member)

No offense, but I wouldn't say the person has screws missing, sometimes good will people will do things that afterward when examine was not the wisest moves to make, He felt that maybe in that area in a short while a homeless person would come around and take the food.The reasons the person didn't want to drop off the stuff at the shelter could be many. Not to make anything out of it, but these days a lot of people are just getting fed up with the system, the establishment. They just don't trust things anymore, so in good will they will just do things in charity their way. That I can understand, If you want something done for people do it yourself. God bless the good intention person.

 Posted:   Aug 6, 2013 - 5:48 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I found a little cloth makeup bag in the gutter, and it yielded me this inside:

I'm assuming it's a media player, that it's an Apple, that there's no way inside the device to identify the true owner. Am I right?

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 11:36 AM   
 By:   Ron Pulliam   (Member)

Unless the owner recorded a song with the name and address in her lyrics, then "No", there's no way of knowing whose it was.

Unless, of course, you take it to the police and they have a report of one having been stolen inside a cloth bag.

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 11:46 AM   
 By:   BornOfAJackal   (Member)

I'm glad someone was so musically clueless as to let a true soundtrack aficionado get a free copy of the John Williams/London Symphony DRACULA. Best curb score I've ever heard of. You would have had a bargain even at fifty dollars. Williams' best. Or at least one of the best.

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 1:23 PM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

I'm assuming it's a media player, that it's an Apple, that there's no way inside the device to identify the true owner. Am I right?

It's a 6th generation iPod Nano ($160-$250 depending on its capacity). I might contain the user's address book, if their iTunes settings were set up that way, or there should be a serial number that might identify the owner.

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 3:53 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I'm assuming it's a media player, that it's an Apple, that there's no way inside the device to identify the true owner. Am I right?

It's a 6th generation iPod Nano ($160-$250 depending on its capacity). I might contain the user's address book, if their iTunes settings were set up that way, or there should be a serial number that might identify the owner.

Thank you, Dogplant. I'm guessing that I would need to use a Mac to get into this gizmo.

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 3:55 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I'm glad someone was so musically clueless as to let a true soundtrack aficionado get a free copy of the John Williams/London Symphony DRACULA. Best curb score I've ever heard of. You would have had a bargain even at fifty dollars. Williams' best. Or at least one of the best.

Thanks for remembering my all-time, all-time "curb-score", BOAJ!

 Posted:   Aug 7, 2013 - 3:56 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

[dupe post]

 Posted:   Aug 12, 2013 - 4:53 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I'm assuming it's a media player, that it's an Apple, that there's no way inside the device to identify the true owner. Am I right?

It's a 6th generation iPod Nano ($160-$250 depending on its capacity). I might contain the user's address book, if their iTunes settings were set up that way, or there should be a serial number that might identify the owner.

Thank you, Dogplant. I'm guessing that I would need to use a Mac to get into this gizmo.

With some help from someone at work, I found the owner's name, the serial number and the model #.

I'm going to try phoning Apple.

 Posted:   Aug 13, 2013 - 3:03 PM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

Thank you, Dogplant. I'm guessing that I would need to use a Mac to get into this gizmo.

With some help from someone at work, I found the owner's name, the serial number and the model #.

I'm going to try phoning Apple.

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

 Posted:   Aug 13, 2013 - 3:52 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Thank you, Dogplant. I'm guessing that I would need to use a Mac to get into this gizmo.

With some help from someone at work, I found the owner's name, the serial number and the model #.

I'm going to try phoning Apple.

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

Thanks, DP.

The fourteen-year-old at Apple Customer Service says that they won't pass on my contact info to the serial # registrant, and that they can only recommend I turn it over to the gendarmes.

 Posted:   Aug 13, 2013 - 8:04 PM   
 By:   dan the man   (Member)

It warms my heart to see people spending time caring for people.

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2013 - 3:24 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I turned it in to the Police.

They say that I must wait 90 days before I can possibly claim it.

And even then (after November 18), they will (at my expense) put an ad in local media advertising it as lost, IF..... it is worth over $250.

Kinda interesting, the whole process, huh?

 Posted:   Aug 27, 2013 - 7:06 PM   
 By:   dan the man   (Member)

I love leaving things for people for sure if they are so happy to receive what they get. When I had good days as a record vender, the last hour or so I would start the freebies. One must look pass the people of the world who are selfish with these issues and make people happy with those who really appreciate free things from others.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2013 - 1:43 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

And no, I didn't photoshop in or put the sign up myself. That's their sign they put up they-selves.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2013 - 2:33 PM   
 By:   edwzoomom   (Member)

I'm glad someone was so musically clueless as to let a true soundtrack aficionado get a free copy of the John Williams/London Symphony DRACULA. Best curb score I've ever heard of. You would have had a bargain even at fifty dollars. Williams' best. Or at least one of the best.

Thanks for remembering my all-time, all-time "curb-score", BOAJ!

You could try craigslist under Lost and Found - for the Apple thingy I mean!

Oops - didn't check the dates on this - BTW, did you get to claim the Apply thingy?

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2013 - 12:57 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

You could try craigslist under Lost and Found - for the Apple thingy I mean!

Oops - didn't check the dates on this - BTW, did you get to claim the Apply thingy?

Apple-y Thingy is in police custody until November 18, when party of the first part (mememememe) can continue the claim process (see details above).

 Posted:   Nov 25, 2013 - 11:10 AM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Apple-y Thingy is in police custody until November 18, when party of the first part (mememememe) can continue the claim process (see details above).

Dateline: Curbside fanboy (mememememe) contacted local police to inquire about claiming the Apple-y Thing-y. Police informed him that the item has not been claimed. After an additional 30 days, he can claim the item.

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