Currently (in between various 'study' books about art) "Berlin AlexanderPlatz". In its original Dutch translation of the 1920s. Up next: the third book in the bundled Complete works of Franz Kafka!! ...also reading the Sibelius manual ...and a selection of Salvador DalĂ's writings in "My life as a genius". Genius title!!
There's a SF book being published in a few months called "Shattered Image" by Scott McIntyre. It's a great book and I recommend it wholeheartedly. When it's available to the public, I'll letcha know.
The Eagle Has Flown - Jack Higgins. The master's master of spycraft storytelling.
Lizard by Banana Yoshimoto
I have also been reading "War of the Worlds" in preperation for the film. I recently read and finished "Hart's War," a fine book by John Katzenback which was also turned into a film.
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May 26, 2005 - 8:56 PM
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I always have several books going at the same time. Currently I'm reading the Burton Raffel translation of DON QUIJOTE (catching up on my classics), CITIZEN KANE: A CASEBOOK edited by James Naremore, and THE EVENING CROWD AT KIRMSER'S, a memoir of gay life in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the 40's & 50's. I recently finished, and recommend very highly, the unabridged COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. I was leery of tackling this 800-page behemoth but a friend insisted that I give it a try. Wow, what a great read! I looked forward every day to getting back to it. Don't bother with the abridged version - it's no better than reading the Cliff Notes (plus, it cuts out the racy bits - opium smoking! lesbianism!).