This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Dead Ringer |
I am writing the blurbs for the next installment of "FSM catalog low quantities and memories" and got to this title... I am trying to be fair in assessing the quality of our projects... some were fan-favorites, others obscure gems, some "archival" in sound quality, etc. Obviously I'm fond of all of them or I wouldn't have released them, but I won't try to pretend they are all the greatest thing since sliced bread. But when I got to DEAD RINGER... this is such a great score! And it BARELY sold! Do you love John Williams's macabre harpsichord style (Family Plot)? This is where it came from. I appreciate that people don't have the money to buy things sight-unseen (or sound-unheard—though we do have ample sound clips) but this is one of the rare CDs where it is delightful and chilling and thrilling and romantic... I feel completely confident in recommending it to all Williams fans, without a doubt. You'll love it. Lukas
Hell, I've know it was great since I saw it on the late show in 1974, found a stereo copy of the LP at A-1 Record Finders in 1977 , the FSM cd in 2006 and have played it ever since.
Love the music around the scene when Duke rips Peter Lawford's throat out.
Of the nearly 250 FSM CDs I've worked on, this is one of my favorites---and not just because I wrote the liner notes. The booklet features one of my all-time favorite Joe Sikoryak covers:  For many CDs, Joe has access to a plethora of studio artwork, but in this case (for reasons Lukas may wish to reveal in one of his posts reminiscing about the FSM history) Joe could only use the handful of black-and-white photos included on the back of the original LP jacket. And yet he created a gorgeous booklet to go along with this phenomenal Previn score. Not that you shouldn't buy this CD even if Lukas had released it in a paper bag...
It's on my list of FSM titles still to get. FYI, that list is 76 titles long. (That's what I get for only discovering Ltd Editions in 2008!) You can definitely rely on my custom for a while yet, Lukas, and these lists are helping me prioritise and plan when I have the money to spare.
DEAD RINGER is a terrific, very powerful Previn score. I'm not surprised it didn't sell though. Most people would rather buy a new STAR TREK:TMP because it contained 3 minutes of unreleased music. Scores to best-forgotten movies are a hard sell. One would wish people paid more attention to the music as such, and less to the popularity of the film.
Of the nearly 250 FSM CDs I've worked on, this is one of my favorites---and not just because I wrote the liner notes. The booklet features one of my all-time favorite Joe Sikoryak covers:  For many CDs, Joe has access to a plethora of studio artwork, but in this case (for reasons Lukas may wish to reveal in one of his posts reminiscing about the FSM history) Joe could only use the handful of black-and-white photos included on the back of the original LP jacket. And yet he created a gorgeous booklet to go along with this phenomenal Previn score. Not that you shouldn't buy this CD even if Lukas had released it in a paper bag... Not only did Joe create a memorable black and white cover with Bette Davis, but for me, was a nod to the great Saul Bass who created the original poster art used on the album release and Joe kindly reprinted it on the back of the booklet. Joe has a wonderful cinematic eye and would have made a delightful art director or production designer in motion pictures.
I have always been a great champion of Andre Previn film scores and although I have the album, rushed to buy this cd release -- the same with Lukas's release of INSIDE DAISY CLOVER -- a double cd release no less! Thank you for taking a leap of faith regardless of financial risk.
well, it was available on Lp but, yeah its a real cool score. The ony two Previn's I own are both FSM - the other is SUBTERRANEANS check 'em out!!!! Bruce ps thanks to Joe Sik for my copy!!!!!
Well, I am a big Williams fan and I owned this, but sold it becuase it was not to my liking. One of the few scores I have sold. I really would not compare this to Williams.