Recently rewatched the Hispanic version of DRACULA, shot on the same sets (at night, when Browning, Lugosi and co. had gone home). I still think it's a fascinating film, and in many ways superior to its more famous twin. Anyway, I was enchanted by the sexuality of the wimmin in it - much more overtly sexual than in the Browning film, with see-through dresses, impressive cleavages, and real neck-biting - and apparently Lupita Tovar, who played Helen Chandler's part (Mina), celebrated her 106th birthday in June!
I posted that two days ago. It has just been reported that Lupita Tovar died yesterday at home in El Paso, Texas. 106 years old!
I think I'll watch the Spanish-language DRACULA again as a kind of tribute. It really is a great film (apart from the crappy Dracula), and Lupita is explosive in it. I really can't quite get my head round the idea that she made that film 86 years ago, and just this very summer she was celebrating her 106th birthday surrounded by family and friends.
It's been my experience that often when you think of some actor or director that's gotten up there in years, the next thing you know they die.
Just watched SPARTACUS a few days ago, thinking about Kirk Douglas. Look out!
The most recent example with me is Coleen Gray. Watched her in a movie on Fox Movie Channel, got curious about her and looked her up at IMDb and Wiki, saw she was still alive, then days later, news she had died.
This is hard to believe. "Beverly Cleary" is a name that's always stuck. As a little kid I loved reading her Henry Huggins and Beezus & Ramona books. I'd expect there to be a few here that can co-relate. I just found out she's not only still around but she hit 100 earlier this year.
This is not a political question just want to know if the President of the USA sends a letter out to any one who's 100 years old in the USA wishing them A very well the Queen does this letter in the United Kingdom for 100 year olds.
This is not a political question just want to know if the President of the USA sends a letter out to any one who's 100 years old in the USA wishing them A very well the Queen does this letter in the United Kingdom for 100 year olds.
Yes, but it isn't automatic. They need to be requested. Birthday greetings are available for civilians celebrating their 80th (or greater) birthday and veterans celebrating their 70th (or greater) birthday.
This is hard to believe. "Beverly Cleary" is a name that's always stuck. As a little kid I loved reading her Henry Huggins and Beezus & Ramona books. I'd expect there to be a few here that can co-relate. I just found out she's not only still around but she hit 100 earlier this year.
This is not a political question just want to know if the President of the USA sends a letter out to any one who's 100 years old in the USA wishing them A very well the Queen does this letter in the United Kingdom for 100 year olds.
Yes, but it isn't automatic. They need to be requested. Birthday greetings are available for civilians celebrating their 80th (or greater) birthday and veterans celebrating their 70th (or greater) birthday.
Oh please, I was watching that the night it aired and Mary, Ben Vereen and the Manhattan Transfer couldn't save the disaster it was. Even I had to switch channels after so long...
Oh please, I was watching that the night it aired and Mary, Ben Vereen and the Manhattan Transfer couldn't save the disaster it was. Even I had to switch channels after so long...
I watched it, too, albeit on a black-and-white TV. I remember something else was on another channel that the rest of the family watched on the color set.
It was odd. But if you read her memoirs, you'll see it ended up being something different than was originally assembled.
Jake Lamotta. boxer, is 95 in July. & he's still strong, healthy, go KO Em Jake
Jake had 6 amazing fights against the greatest boxer of all. Sugar Ray Robinson, I'm amazed he's still alive after the slug-fests, experts say.. boxers who take so many beating will lead too an early death, or punch drunk, well, Jakes ok he's been acting. His nephew is a director in films, & is the owner of Blue Under Ground Entertainment.
I heard this a while ago that when she turns one hundred there will be an album coming out, no singer has ever done that.. its a world record, but she can't attend she's to frail but her mind is still there/good, there will be a video link for VL on that release date.