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Jul 14, 2014 - 11:00 AM
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Story Teller: The Spy Who Loved Me is a wonderful Bond film. It's a fun ride from start to finish. It was a huge hit and is beloved the world round. So I certainly wouldn't take Richard's word on this one. A lot of people who know better than you share the view that The Spy Who Loved Me is an awful Bond film, unexciting, boring, woodenly acted, unfunny and stupid, stupid, stupid. A lot of people think so, but no one wants to get attacked personally by expressing their opinion Oh brother! Somebody whip out the zeppelin, we'll be able to fill it up and take flight in no time after that post. Storyteller, I'm sure that "a lot of people better than you" or I probably feel that "unfunny and stupid, stupid, stupid" equally applies to the poster of that comment but "no one wants to get attacked personally by expressing their opinion" Except me, of course. Me? I don't give a shit.
, ...or poor Michel Lonsdale having to ask why Bond killed the python in order to give us the worst joke in the whole series of films . Please, remind us ..  bruce Sharn't. Oh, c'mon! It was something like "he developed a crush on me" Yes, that's the one. " i thought it was "the pen was mightier than the sword" whatever, my point is a film with "jokes" like this is actually rated higher than SKYFALL by some id.. idd.. idi on this board, who shall go unnamed. bruce
Story Teller: The Spy Who Loved Me is a wonderful Bond film. It's a fun ride from start to finish. It was a huge hit and is beloved the world round. So I certainly wouldn't take Richard's word on this one. A lot of people who know better than you share the view that The Spy Who Loved Me is an awful Bond film, unexciting, boring, woodenly acted, unfunny and stupid, stupid, stupid. It's like the children's version for retarded adults. A lot of know how bad it is, but no one wants to get attacked personally by expressing the opinion. "W' is right on this one. Awful film w/o one original idea. A scene for scene remake of YOLT br
,,, whatever, my point is a film with "jokes" like this is actually rated higher than SKYFALL by some id.. idd.. idi on this board, who shall go unnamed. bruce I rated The Spy Who Loved Me the poorest of the series (challenged by Quantum of Solace) whereas its remake (basic storyline) Moonraker has always been a highly entertaining movie ... despite the awful jokes, et al. . Well, MOONRAKER does have some very entertaining elements amidst the drek. "AGent XXX" hahahahahha!!!!! get it XXX ...you know like a porn movie ahahahahahahahhaha brm
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Jul 14, 2014 - 10:07 PM
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Story Teller: The Spy Who Loved Me is a wonderful Bond film. It's a fun ride from start to finish. It was a huge hit and is beloved the world round. So I certainly wouldn't take Richard's word on this one. A lot of people who know better than you share the view that The Spy Who Loved Me is an awful Bond film, unexciting, boring, woodenly acted, unfunny and stupid, stupid, stupid. A lot of people think so, but no one wants to get attacked personally by expressing their opinion Oh brother! Somebody whip out the zeppelin, we'll be able to fill it up and take flight in no time after that post. Storyteller, I'm sure that "a lot of people better than you" or I probably feel that "unfunny and stupid, stupid, stupid" equally applies to the poster of that comment but "no one wants to get attacked personally by expressing their opinion" Except me, of course. Me? I don't give a shit. Screw it! Let's just make our own Bond film. Why not? Everyone else has.
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Jul 15, 2014 - 5:24 AM
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I'm a Bond fan. I loved Casino Royale and I actually liked Quantum of Solace. Forgetting the "Jason Bourne" comparisons, I liked how Bond simply cared about what he was doing. So speaking as a fan of Daniel Craig's work, Skyfall did absolutely nothing for me. Bond tries to apprehend the bad guy, gets accidentally shot off a train, survives, and chooses to quit on his job. What? Roger Moore got tossed off a train in Octopussy and he hitchhiked in order to catch up with it.Bond just quits because he was accidentally shot? And that new Q. "What were you expecting, explosive pens? We don't make those anymore" You really should. Not only was the explosive pen one of the more practical gadgets Bond has used in his movies, it also took part in one of my favorite suspenseful moments in all the Bond movies. Was it three consecutive clicks, or three immediate ones? I get it that the overuse of gadgets in Bond movies was one of the harshest criticisms, especially for Brosnan's era, but at least they didn't hold the audience's hand so they could 'get it'. Skyfall's gadget gun only works when Bond is using it. There. That's all you needed to say. But no, let's put multi-colored lights onto it so the audience will know that this gadget does indeed work for only Bond. When we get to the scene where a bad guy picks the gun up, let's have him slowly raise the gun so the audience can see the red lights and have Bond say "That isn't going to work". We know!