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 Posted:   Dec 7, 2023 - 5:32 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

You may well bite, I won't - or won't not as one former PM once said. Do your own research, you cheeky F'ecker. big grin

In other words... you got nothin'.

Onward we go.

I wont debase myself by dealing with people who associate with Yathzees.

 Posted:   Dec 7, 2023 - 5:46 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

I wont debase myself by dealing with people who associate with Yathzees.

Again, you seem very confused.
But honestly, very few of your posts don't come across that way.
But hey, live and let live, eh?
big grin

 Posted:   Dec 7, 2023 - 5:53 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I wont debase myself by dealing with people who associate with Yathzees.

Again, you seem very confused.
But honestly, very few of your posts don't come across that way.
But hey, live and let live, eh?

Repeating your egregious posts would be giving your inane political opinions a voice. Old trick, dumb tactic, won't fall for it. Still, anyone who can't differentiate between the good guys and the Yathzees is someone not worth discussing with. Mark Twain said it best about people like you... and beating people with that kind of experience is your forte, n'est-ce pas, le Yathzee? big grin

 Posted:   Dec 7, 2023 - 6:43 PM   
 By:   BornOfAJackal   (Member)

One need only do a little basic research on the origin of the term "woke" as it is currently used in the United States to realize what the real beef is here. It's not complicated. It's as American as apple pie, alcoholism and addiction to crystal methamphetamine.

 Posted:   Dec 7, 2023 - 6:54 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

Repeating your egregious posts would be giving your inane political opinions a voice. Old trick, dumb tactic, won't fall for it. Still, anyone who can't differentiate between the good guys and the Yathzees is someone not worth discussing with. Mark Twain said it best about people like you... and beating people with that kind of experience is your forte, n'est-ce pas, le Yathzee? big grin

Again, post your proof or yap up.
(Or wait until you are sober to do so.)

Does anyone here know what the deuce A&C is talking about regarding "Yathzees"?
I'm genuinely curious.
I'd ask A&C myself, but he/she/it seems unable to post without lame insults.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 4:33 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

The lunacy is that talking about corporations and the idea of "woke" is considered 'politics".It is absurdity run rampant, like cheeseburgers can be considered 'politics", and that is very very much the problem in the US right now. Public education is considered "politics", the problems with the environment' "politics", the economy, yeah, also "politics", public health, yeah, also "politics". Well, here is the thing, none of it actually is politics, even remotely. It is entirely absurd, our society has cultivated a practiced idiocy, and it is why the US is heading towards the bottom of the drain.

Also, please stop making up nonsense to justify a war on Disney. They are, once again, the most PROFITABLE STUDIO IN THE WORLD, by far. Yes, they have had pictures fail, and every other studio has as well. Yes, they made too many sequels and reboots. The failure of some pictures has next to NOTHING to do with so called woke. And it is the responsibility of media companies to reflect our society, perhaps they could have done it better. But they do not need to be destroyed, and the studio is not, by any means, in a lot of trouble because they had cartoon boyfriends or girlfriends in a movie.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 5:09 AM   
 By:   MikeP   (Member)

They don't want people to whine about the "woke"? Stop shoving it down our goddamn throats.

Good Lord, you are fragile and threatened, aren't you?

Grow up.

Now, let's have this thread locked .

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 5:30 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

Yeah, @Mike, it is so pathetic, the shrinking violet show, here and elsewhere. Closing the shutters and crying buckets. Yesh.
Ya know what people, it is 2023. I like Leave it to Beaver, but it ended a long time ago.
You live in a society of people, lots of people, and a lot of them are not like you. Deal with it

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 5:49 AM   
 By:   Mr. Jack   (Member)

Now, let's have this thread locked .

"Whaaaaahhhhhh, someone's opinion is different than mine, so let's just shut the thread down instead of allowing both sides to be heard, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH....!!!"

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 5:50 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

SNYDERVERSE---Zack Snyder posted the DC Studios Snyderverse has come to an end. Snyder directed three DC Studios movies: MAN OF STEEL, BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE).

It's depressing to think that there actually was such a thing as the Snyderverse.

It doesn't even sound cool.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 6:03 AM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

Jack, isn't that kinda what you meant when, very over-dramatically, you said this "stop shoving it down our throats"
Indeed, it was.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 7:16 AM   
 By:   joan hue   (Member)

Ya know what people, it is 2023. I like Leave it to Beaver, but it ended a long time ago.
You live in a society of people, lots of people, and a lot of them are not like you. Deal with it

Ditto to Ado and MikeP.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 9:40 AM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

It's depressing to think that there actually was such a thing as the Snyderverse.

It doesn't even sound cool.

Trust me when I say that it wasn't cool. It's got a fanbase that loves that stuff to death though. I don't "get it" but it definitely wasn't made for me.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 11:45 AM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

Repeating your egregious posts would be giving your inane political opinions a voice. Old trick, dumb tactic, won't fall for it. Still, anyone who can't differentiate between the good guys and the Yathzees is someone not worth discussing with. Mark Twain said it best about people like you... and beating people with that kind of experience is your forte, n'est-ce pas, le Yathzee? big grin

Again, post your proof or yap up.
(Or wait until you are sober to do so.)

Does anyone here know what the deuce A&C is talking about regarding "Yathzees"?
I'm genuinely curious.
I'd ask A&C myself, but he/she/it seems unable to post without lame insults.

Speaking of lame... Aren't you oldsters past your curfew time at the home, posting that late?

Check who was applauded recently in the Canadian parliament and you'll fully understand what the meaning of Yathzees is AKA your «brave» compatriots.

Incidentally, I'm not going to repeat your inane political taking points and give them a platform. You're using a tired - speaking of the devil - dumb - again - lazy - goes without saying, debating tactics.

Time for your brain food son, your noggin is getting ossified. big grin

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 12:22 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

I had a reasonable and insightful reply to your trolling ready to go, but I decided to let Mr. Sones work it out.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 12:28 PM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

special, ain't he, October?

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 12:39 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I had a reasonable and insightful reply to your trolling ready to go, but I decided to let Mr. Sones work it out.

Being a mite censorious, aren't we?

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 12:53 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

Special, ain't he, October?

It's interesting how the word "special" can have many meanings.
But, yeah.

It's the unfocused, purposeless malice that I don't understand.
It's a conversation killer--but that may have actually been the point.

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 5:15 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

It's depressing to think that there actually was such a thing as the Snyderverse.

It doesn't even sound cool.

Trust me when I say that it wasn't cool. It's got a fanbase that loves that stuff to death though. I don't "get it" but it definitely wasn't made for me.

Wait till Gunn's Super-sh*tshow lands. Then you'll love the DCEU. big grin

 Posted:   Dec 8, 2023 - 10:49 PM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

Wait till Gunn's Super-sh*tshow lands. Then you'll love the DCEU. big grin

You assume I would even want to watch a James Gunn DC movie universe thing. Not something I'm interested in. If I never see another live action comic book Superhero movie it will be too soon. I did enjoy the new Spider-Verse animated film from Sony so if WB is bringing in inventive and idiosyncratic animated films then I could be persuaded.

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