I don't think the average person on the street cares whether it's called STAR WARS or A NEW HOPE.
That's because "the average person on the street" has never "felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced"!
Because that is what I--the only true Star Wars fan--feel EVERY SINGLE TIME someone refers to Star Wars by "that name"!
Sorry, I can't play this game as I'm WAY too cool to ever be a nerd. (And who cares what a 64 year old man has to say. Also, I'm so cool that I had to google "Beeker shirts." I've never heard of the them. My skin is only graced by Prada or Chanel. LOL.)
is that Ralph Beeker, who was in the Dirty Dozen?! They do Dirty Dozen tee shirts now? Man, i want a Victor Franco one! Underneath Cassavettes picture it says CONDEMNED MEN DONT DRILL!
There's nothing "nerdy" about having being there in the beginning (1977) when it was Star Wars, before the tacked on crap about "episode 4" and "A New Hope".
Agreed. To me, that film will always be STAR WARS.
However, I think DavidinBerkeley and the other posters are just engaging in a little fun. I don't think the average person on the street cares whether it's called STAR WARS or A NEW HOPE.
I'm just poking the stick myself.
But don't bring up Trek and Berman, or the violent furry will come out.
Ahhh. For some reason, I honestly thought you were serious. (Boy, is my face red! ) Glad to know you don't get your panties in a bunch over the 1977 film re-titling....
Ahhh. For some reason, I honestly thought you were serious. (Boy, is my face red! ) Glad to know you don't get your panties in a bunch over the 1977 film re-titling....
Don't worry about it. Sometimes it's hard to read what others are feeling via a pattern of pixels.
I at first rolled my eyes at the renaming stuff, but there were other things later on that soured me to the franchise, but that's for another thread.
Just realized I committed a nerd faux pas earlier - I spelled Beaker wrong. I almost pulled an Alibaba or an Addis Ababa or Aba Daba or Aidabaida trick of correcting or deleting my incorrect spelling. I said nah, leave it. Nerds are very forgiving.
Btw, I was reminded today to give a shout out for Beaker's buddy, Bunsen.