Posted: |
Apr 22, 2014 - 9:45 AM
By: |
Joe E.
And really, let's get something straight. If Superman put his red Underoos back on, put his hands on his hips, looked directly at the camera and exclaimed "I stand for TRUTH...JUSTICE...and the AMERICAN WAY!" you'd immediately get up and convulsively laugh your way out of the theater. It's the same reason the Adam West Batman won't work today. Bryan Singer's Superman Returns was a shameless love letter to the Donner films, which I loved in the 70s, since I'm old enough to have seen them in the theater as a kid. However, Returns was tedious and it was a failure because it was exactly that. And it also tried to give us "Superkid." Man Of Steel is exactly what the doctor ordered. Ehhh... if you say so. Personally, I'd love a superhero movie that got some color back, and also had the same sense of fun as the Reeve movies. I love the MCU as well, but all this grimdark DC stuff? Just not for me. Nolan's Batman trilogy is well-made, I will grant, but I just don't find it any fun - it's all so dour. I haven't yet seen Man of Steel, mainly because it looked like more of the same, and everything I've read about it tells me I was right, though I will be fair and check it out eventually. I will say I actually quite enjoyed Superman Returns, shortcomings notwithstanding. But in all honesty, my favorite recent movie featuring DC comics superheroes in any capacity has to be The LEGO Movie, which actually portrays Batman pretty much the same way I envision him.
After showing decent promise with DAWN OF THE DEAD... Then came... 300... sorry people, not a fan. That "stylized" look was overkill then. And, even more so now. Which leads me to... Man Of Steel. No, he doesn't get Superman. At this point in his "career" he doesn't get movies in general. Parts of this looked like a "found footage" horror film. Shaky-cam nausea. In agreement... could we get back to FUN superhero movies? Perhaps just a little??? The only credit I will give... at least Tyler Bates didn't "score" this movie. And, some of the acting (a better director would have helped extract better performances). Who played Lois? Yeah, could Superman Returns and Man of Steel have a Lois Lane that didn't fade into the background? Okay... back to a better mood.
Iron Man 3 was designed to be "fun." It's also forgettable. Not unlike this account you made after being banned for the second or third time. Thanks LeHah. I took great pleasure adding them to the ignore list. Have a good one.