MV, further to the discussions and possibilities of the deluxe Superman The Annimated Series box set, is this still potentially on the cards for this year? Sorry to pester, just need to ensure I arrange my finances for fall. Thank you. Nope not this year
Do you know when Buffy will be in stock again?  Late aug
Hello MV Any chances for expanded "Bram Stoker Dracula" by Wojciech Kilar?
MV, Would you fancy a hybrid SACD project in the near future where we can have a multi channel release for a classic score? Although its a niche market it would be an exciting release for the audiophile fans. Nope
Dear LLL team, - What about an expanded for JNH'S LAST AIRBAINDER (so expansive and to long oop first edition) - Complete Krull Vinyl Airbender - erhaps some day Krull - we were going to do a vinyl then we realized we would not make any money on it so we opted out. #sonotworthit MV
Interesting. I wonder where the market is on a vinyl version of Saving Private Ryan over something like Krull.
Curious, a long while since we had any hand numbered releases are you through with this market, it doesn't bother me, Universal, you guys doing a great job, still it would be nice a cool bonus especially cult titles. Thanks for the sales had my glut. It's been like 14 years since we stopped doing that. Not happening EVER AGAIN. MV
Interesting. I wonder where the market is on a vinyl version of Saving Private Ryan over something like Krull. Hasn't "Krull" been released enough times already? Not easy to come by on vinyl and it's a cult title, both things that often lead to vinyl releases in our current vinyl boom. It's cool that Private Ryan is coming out on vinyl, I suppose, but I have to wonder about the target market for a title like this. WWII vet hipsters with functioning Grundigs? Honestly, even though I think novelty releases are stupid, a helmet-shaped vinyl with ONLY Hymn To The Fallen on it (maybe with the Edith Piaf song on the flipside?) would have been a much bigger draw (in that 7 people would buy it instead of 1).