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 Posted:   Feb 25, 2017 - 10:50 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Onya, I don't recall you offering any feedback to us on your thoughts/impressions regarding the pilot episode music by Williams for Land of the Giants

I don't remember. I will play it this weekend and get back to you.

 Posted:   May 1, 2018 - 6:38 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

I picked up "The Family Plot" for five bucks, which is about three or four bucks more than I typically would have spent.

I was intrigued by a combination of the audio samples, use of harpsichord, Hitchcock connection, and the fact that it predates Star Wars/Spielberg.

I have spun it once so far. I am picking up something early 70s British about the score - maybe it's the use of the harpsichord, I don't know. Looking forward to spinning it again, probably closer to Halloween.

 Posted:   May 2, 2018 - 9:07 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I picked up "The Family Plot" for five bucks, which is about three or four bucks more than I typically would have spent.

I was intrigued by a combination of the audio samples, use of harpsichord, Hitchcock connection, and the fact that it predates Star Wars/Spielberg.

I have spun it once so far. I am picking up something early 70s British about the score - maybe it's the use of the harpsichord, I don't know. Looking forward to spinning it again, probably closer to Halloween.

Outside the brilliant main theme (best on display in the "End Credits", which was previously available on the Hitchcock compilation from the 80s), this score is probably one of my least favourites by JW. Lots of meandering suspense. But it might be more up your alley.

 Posted:   May 2, 2018 - 9:19 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Do you even listen to these CD's Thor!!!???
Besides the quirky Main Theme, there's classic Williams chase music.
Gorgeous, ethereal heavenly choir.
A CE3K-like conspiracy/trucks theme.
Ominous The Fury style tension and suspense tracks.
The whole CD is friggin great.
I think you need to listen with better ears than that!

 Posted:   May 2, 2018 - 10:28 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I've given it a few chances over the years, but I find it hard to return to. For me, it falls in the same territory as MIDWAY and other scores with slightly 'grating' elements; not really going anywhere outside a track or two. But sure, I'm not selling it and I will returning to it in due time for yet another re-evaluation.

 Posted:   May 12, 2018 - 8:41 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Accept no substitutes. Looks like this thread has been spoofed:

 Posted:   May 12, 2018 - 9:12 AM   
 By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

Accept no substitutes. Looks like this thread has been spoofed:

As a Goody Two-Shoes upholder of the law and moral behaviour, I reported it. I hope the robot is sentenced to two consecutive weekends cleaning old people's windowboxes. That'll teach it.

 Posted:   May 13, 2018 - 2:19 PM   
 By:   David Colvin   (Member)

I've always felt he's had like two careers, the 60's and 70's and then everything after. one man who has reached the pinnacle of his career time and time again in my humble opinion.

 Posted:   Oct 24, 2018 - 6:55 PM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

I picked up, for $1.99, a pristine copy of "The Accidental Tourist." I remember seeing this film in the theatre when it was released, and I recall neither particularly liking it nor particularly disliking it. I haven't seen it since and have no idea how it has aged.

Before parting with my two clams, I scanned the back cover to make sure that there was no Spielberg involvement. Thankfully, there was not. The date on the back, however, terrified me, as it comes from that most dreaded of decades.

This album is very melancholy and understated. It almost has a European sensibility, until you get to the last track on side 1, where you have to be reminded that it is John Williams you are listening to. (Does he always do this at the end of side 1?)

Anyway, a pleasant score, especially side 2 (until he reminds us that it's Williams again). Worth two bucks.

 Posted:   Oct 25, 2018 - 2:09 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Amusing how you can always be so disparaging and commending all at the same time, Onya, LOL!

But yeah....THE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST is a lovely score; one of those laidback, reflective, introspective scores he often does so well (STANLEY & IRIS is another favourite in this genre, of course).

Williams was out with a back injury throughout most of 1988, giving up all the Boston Pops/conducting gigs to others, so this was the only film score he worked on/released that year.

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:16 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Well, I'm celebrating John Williams' birthday by purchasing his greatest film score - his 1972 score to Robert Altman's "Images."

Both the CD and LP go for a lot, but you can buy a lossless download of the album on Qobuz from BSX Records and Tapes.

We are now listening to Wes Montgomery's oft-maligned CTI albums, but "Images" will be spun once a bottle of wine is uncorked.

Onya is assembling quite a John Williams collection!

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:40 AM   
 By:   judy the hutt   (Member)

Well, I'm celebrating John Williams' birthday by purchasing his greatest film score - his 1972 score to Robert Altman's "Images."

Both the CD and LP go for a lot, but you can buy a lossless download of the album on Qobuz from BSX Records and Tapes.

We are now listening to Wes Montgomery's oft-maligned CTI albums, but "Images" will be spun once a bottle of wine is uncorked.

Onya is assembling quite a John Williams collection!

Images is a bitch and Wes Montgomery was one of my late husband's favorite guitar players.

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:57 AM   
 By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

I've told my IMAGES story here before, but I'll repeat it so as to show that it's true. Nobody tells the same lie twice. Well I don't. My dear wife doesn't really know an awful lot about film music. In that sense she's a real person, grounded in reality. But she does know that I like John Williams and that John Williams scored IMAGES.

One birthday several moons ago, I opened my present from her. It was IMAGES! By John Williams! But it was the wrong IMAGES and the wrong John Williams. ("Images - The best-selling compilation of the popular guitarist's classiest works, from 'Cavatina' to 'House of the Rising Sun' ")

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:57 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Images is a bitch and Wes Montgomery was one of my late husband's favorite guitar players.

The CTI albums were much maligned during the era of crossover jazz/pop, an era in which many straight-ahead jazz albums had gone out of print. Montgomery's earlier jazz albums on Riverside were reissued by the mid-1970s, so we can now enjoy it all, guilt-free.

Here's to your late husband.

Looking forward to spinning "Images," but I'm waiting until wine o'clock.

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:58 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

I've told my IMAGES story here before, but I'll repeat it so as to show that it's true. Nobody tells the same lie twice. Well I don't. My dear wife doesn't really know an awful lot about film music. In that sense she's a real person, grounded in reality. But she does know that I like John Williams and that John Williams scored IMAGES.

One birthday several moons ago, I opened my present from her. It was IMAGES! By John Williams! But it was the wrong IMAGES and the wrong John Williams. ("Images - The best-selling compilation of the popular guitarist's classiest works, from 'Cavatina' to 'House of the Rising Sun' ")

Record labels should be smarter than that.

Was it any good?

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 9:58 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

He, he....yes, I remember that story, Graham. Very cute.

IMAGES is not something I envision being enjoyed with a glass of red wine on a cozy evening, but your mind works in mysterious ways, Onya. wink

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 10:02 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

He, he....yes, I remember that story, Graham. Very cute.

IMAGES is not something I envision being enjoyed with a glass of red wine on a cozy evening, but your mind works in mysterious ways, Onya. wink

Orchestral dissonance>Morricone>Giallos>Italian reds.

How does that not make sense?

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 10:04 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

True. I guess it also requires a few to deal with the dissonance head-on. IMAGES is one of my top 10 Williamses, by the way - but I have to be in the mood for it.

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 10:10 AM   
 By:   judy the hutt   (Member)

I've told my IMAGES story here before, but I'll repeat it so as to show that it's true. Nobody tells the same lie twice. Well I don't. My dear wife doesn't really know an awful lot about film music. In that sense she's a real person, grounded in reality. But she does know that I like John Williams and that John Williams scored IMAGES.

One birthday several moons ago, I opened my present from her. It was IMAGES! By John Williams! But it was the wrong IMAGES and the wrong John Williams. ("Images - The best-selling compilation of the popular guitarist's classiest works, from 'Cavatina' to 'House of the Rising Sun' ")

Record labels should be smarter than that.

Was it any good?

hey, once I ordered the LP of Born on the Fourth of July, the album cover was right but the record inside was Slam Slam!! Whoa what a bummer

eventually Wherehouse Records made it right. Wherehouse a blast from the past.

 Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 11:35 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

So I'm about to burn "Images" onto a CD. It is 36 minutes long, meaning I can fit something else.

What should I add? The obvious would be a Morricone giallo, but I would rather add another Williams.

I am thinking about "Ghostbreaker," or maybe his "Land of the Giants" or "Time Tunnel" score. Or maybe "Catch Me If you Can" without the pop tunes?

What do you think?

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