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 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 8:58 AM   
 By:   drivingmissdaisy   (Member)

I know I really really enjoy Insurrection and First Contact's music. I'm not a big Trek nut, I've seen the films own all the CD's, but I know littler of the tv shows. I think I'll watch this movie again to reacquaint myself with the score.

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   T.J. Turner   (Member)

Congrats to La La Land on this batch! But You guys caught me with my pants down. Having returned from USA,...


What?! Did TSA get you too?!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   John Mullin   (Member)

Nothing to add except what a great batch of titles!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   Sirusjr   (Member)

Star Trek V and Home Alone going on my christmas list most likely! Wonderful set.

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:01 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

I am the monkey in your avatar MV!!!

LOL! I just noticed the new avatar. Oh aint that the icing on the cake!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:01 AM   
 By:   Mike West   (Member)

Nimbus III is in the Prologue, the sha ka re theme beginning with a four note motiv (the first three the same as the "note down and back again" from LORT) played by the
strings. It drops out of the growing wind and heart beat sounds, very short.

That's "The Mind Meld" surely. The "Nimbus III" cue plays before that (from the Paramount logo) presumably...?

Ah, yes, you are right!! Mmh, maybe just only some of those sound effects in the beginning, as you said. But who knows?
I am looking forward for that ST V cue when the trio flies to the enterprise with the shuttle, a nice companion to "The Enterprise" from The (slow) Motion Picture.

I did not like Batman Returns soooo much on the original album, though I love the first one,
so I don't know about the Elfman.

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:01 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

STV is fantastic, Home Alone is Superb and Jade is a great addition to a Horner enthusiasts catalog, but the score out of this batch we here at LLL fell madly in love with is Batman Returns. It's so rich with psychology and emotion that I believe a lot of you will rediscover and rethink how underrated and amazing this score truly is.

Its to Batman what Empire was to Star Wars ( I know I know, I am border lining on heresy, but that's what I feel.)

It only makes me wonder what Elfman and Burton would have done if they made a Riddler, Two Face, Clayface or Mr Freeze film.


 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:02 AM   
 By:   Frank Vincent   (Member)

Home Alone. OMG!!! Batman Returns. WOW!!! Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. WOW!!!

Home Alone was the very first soundtrack I've bought and it's still one of my favorites. So that's the release I'm most pleased about.

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:03 AM   
 By:   Loren   (Member)

Today my wife has asked me: "What would you like as Christmas gift"

NOW I KNOW THE ANSWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:03 AM   
 By:   Anthony_Marose   (Member)

Speaking of avatars, I'm trying to identify the Jade reference, MV. My eyes are poor, so forgive me if it's obvious.

* I'm assuming it's near the bat?

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:03 AM   
 By:   Mike West   (Member)

STV is fantastic, Home Alone is Superb and Jade is a great addition to a Horner enthusiasts catalog, but the score out of this batch we here at LLL fell madly in love with is Batman Returns. It's so rich with psychology and emotion that I believe a lot of you will rediscover and rethink how underrated and amazing this score truly is.

Its to Batman what Empire was to Star Wars ( I know I know, I am border lining on heresy, but that's what I feel.)

It only makes me wonder what Elfman and Burton would have done if they made a Riddler, Two Face, Clayface or Mr Freeze film.


And can you say something
more specific about the music which was not included on the original album?

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:04 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

MV, in the other thread when someone asked what to expect today, you said, "Lots of boobies."

I didn't know you were referring to the three-breasted cat lady in the Paradise City saloon. smile

I've already posted the news over on the Trek BBS and sent a tip to the guys at TrekMovie though I'm sure they knew about this already.

Now off to the shopping wilderness known as Black Friday.

Speaking of which this is the greatest site EVER:

I'm addicted to it. I haven't stopped reloading the update page all week!


 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:04 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

STV is fantastic, Home Alone is Superb and Jade is a great addition to a Horner enthusiasts catalog, but the score out of this batch we here at LLL fell madly in love with is Batman Returns. It's so rich with psychology and emotion that I believe a lot of you will rediscover and rethink how underrated and amazing this score truly is.

I agree completely. The movie is a bit of a mess - a well-meaning mess like STV but still isn't as satisfying as it should be. Still, Burton has some fanastic moments in it (especially the Batsignal shining into Wayne Manor - makes no sense but man if it isn't AMAZING to see) and Elfman's response to the film is spot-on. The music is a little more enigmatic than the straightfoward original but theres some things in there that are definitely "psychological" in their approach; I especially love the organ music played under the Batman theme at the beginning!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:05 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

Speaking of avatars, I'm trying to identify the Jade reference, MV. My eyes are poor, so forgive me if it's obvious.

* I'm assuming it's near the bat?

No Jade in the pic. Just couldn't think of anything off hand.


 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:06 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

No Jade in the pic. Just couldn't think of anything off hand.

You could've put the monkey in a little black dress like Linda Fiorentino

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:07 AM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

No Jade in the pic. Just couldn't think of anything off hand.


Well, you could have put a recycle bin in the pic, to represent James Horner.

Just kidding, only messing with ya! smile Jade is definitely ordered. Have a very Merry Christmas, Michael!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:08 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

STV is fantastic, Home Alone is Superb and Jade is a great addition to a Horner enthusiasts catalog, but the score out of this batch we here at LLL fell madly in love with is Batman Returns. It's so rich with psychology and emotion that I believe a lot of you will rediscover and rethink how underrated and amazing this score truly is.

Its to Batman what Empire was to Star Wars ( I know I know, I am border lining on heresy, but that's what I feel.)

It only makes me wonder what Elfman and Burton would have done if they made a Riddler, Two Face, Clayface or Mr Freeze film.


And can you say something
more specific about the music which was not included on the original album?

One stand out are the edits. I understand why Mr. Elfman and co. made them on the original album, but when hearing them in their entirety in this release you will sit back and go, "Hmmm, now that makes more sense musically." As if the story is being told through the music as opposed to just highlighting the action.

You guys will LOVE the way Disc 2 starts. Hats off to Mr Bulk for his stellar assembly job.


 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:10 AM   
 By:   Loren   (Member)

No Jade in the pic. Just couldn't think of anything off hand.

You could've put the monkey in a little black dress like Linda Fiorentino

or Jessica Harper...


Thanks MV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:12 AM   
 By:   Mike West   (Member)

STV is fantastic, Home Alone is Superb and Jade is a great addition to a Horner enthusiasts catalog, but the score out of this batch we here at LLL fell madly in love with is Batman Returns. It's so rich with psychology and emotion that I believe a lot of you will rediscover and rethink how underrated and amazing this score truly is.

Its to Batman what Empire was to Star Wars ( I know I know, I am border lining on heresy, but that's what I feel.)

It only makes me wonder what Elfman and Burton would have done if they made a Riddler, Two Face, Clayface or Mr Freeze film.


And can you say something
more specific about the music which was not included on the original album?

One stand out are the edits. I understand why Mr. Elfman and co. made them on the original album, but when hearing them in their entirety in this release you will sit back and go, "Hmmm, now that makes more sense musically." As if the story is being told through the music as opposed to just highlighting the action.

You guys will LOVE the way Disc 2 starts. Hats off to Mr Bulk for his stellar assembly job.


Thanks a lot, that makes it the third out of that batch for me (the others being ST V, Home Alone)

 Posted:   Nov 26, 2010 - 9:13 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

No Jade in the pic. Just couldn't think of anything off hand.

You could've put the monkey in a little black dress like Linda Fiorentino


True, plus when we commissioned the piece it was just going to be the 3, but Jade got pushed back and pushed back until we decided to make it the final 4 instead of the "triple threat!"


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