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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Gremlins
 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 2:59 PM   
 By:   KubrickFan   (Member)


(okay, that's from the sequel, but it does a great job describing my mood right now)

As a strange coincidence, I was listening to the Gremlin Rag when I decided to check the message board, and there is the news that the complete score has been released. Excellent news.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:00 PM   
 By:   panavision   (Member)

AWESOME. BOUGHT. Time to destroy that other 70+ min disc... wink

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:01 PM   
 By:   Grecchus   (Member)


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:15 PM   
 By:   Gold Digger   (Member)

Well done to all for making this a reality. 27 years to wait for a proper release. It was worth it. Thank you to all at FSM, WB, Universal, Intrada.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:22 PM   
 By:   The REAL BJBien   (Member)


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:22 PM   
 By:   The REAL BJBien   (Member)


I can't imagine anyone happy with the first release and who'd pass on owning this set!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:25 PM   
 By:   Thgil   (Member)

I saw that in the covers lineup on the FSM main page and immediately flashed back to the day when I saw the Star Trek II cover there.

Thank you FSM! You guys are the best!

Had to order it and the first album for Fringe, which I'd been putting off for no real reason.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:26 PM   
 By:   mike_paschke   (Member)

Yay! Time to trash the bootleg with poor sound!

Is this limited? I want to add it to my Christmas list, but if it won't last that long, I'll get it now.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:26 PM   
 By:   Althazan   (Member)

Thank you, Lukas! We all do appreciate your work. Great job! smile

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:28 PM   
 By:   CCW1970   (Member)

To paraphrase/quote another Williams scored movie:

Lukas and SAE, you magnificent pagan gods!


 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:32 PM   
 By:   Loren   (Member)

After having listened to the Gremlins b***g a hundred times I long to hearing synth unreleased tracks finally in a clean and improved sound. BUT I'm pretty sure some will bitch about them (as much as they did on the occasion of the Intrada Explorers synth tracks) sounding too progressive, too cold or whatever.

Besides it's been a fantastic and wise decision to keep the pop songs. "Gremlins mega madness" is an over-the-top 80s hit. Oh well, you'll see some will bitch because of them as well.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:42 PM   
 By:   Spymaster   (Member)

The score, a classic.

Every cue, a work of creative genius.

The Box. The Pool. The Fountain. At last.

My final holy grail.


Ordered. Oh yes.

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:48 PM   
 By:   Henry Jones   (Member)

This is a historical day to me.

With FIRST KNIGHT (Thx LLL!), EXPLORERS (Thx Intrada!) and now GREMLINS (Thx FSM!), I have completed my own list of Goldsmith re-releases I whised for.

I don't mean I would not aprreciate in the future other Goldsmith expanded scores, sure, but this is a special achivement for me.

M E R C I Lukas !

(Special thx to Francis !)

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:48 PM   
 By:   catboy19   (Member)

Its not a very GRIM day for me today!!!! despite the weather outside !

PLUS 1984 IS when I was BORN!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:50 PM   
 By:   JohnnyG   (Member)

I see many releases (re-re-releases...) nowadays that have little or no real meaning.

This one is something we DEFINITELY needed!!...

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:53 PM   
 By:   Thomas   (Member)

This is no 'Back to the Future'...

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:56 PM   
 By:   Mr. Jack   (Member)

Oh my God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 3:58 PM   
 By:   Score Whore   (Member)

I'll be in Manhattan next month. Will I be able to pick this up in a store somewhere?

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 4:00 PM   
 By:   JohnnyG   (Member)

This is no 'Back to the Future'...

C'mon, Thomas, cheer up a little! No, "Back to the Future" this is not, but it's a FUN Goldsmith score anyone can enjoy!... smile

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2011 - 4:01 PM   
 By:   Olivier   (Member)

At long last!
What truly wonderful news!

Congratulations and thank you very much, Lukas, and all those involved who finally solved the entangled mess the rights were in!

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