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 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 6:05 AM   
 By:   lostinscores   (Member)

Okay, HOLY SHIT!!!!

Someone tell me I’m not dreaming!

You are not dreaming!!!

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 6:13 AM   
 By:   Bus-Punk   (Member)

Oh myyyyy V'Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

Absolutely stunned. Ordered as soon as I woke up to the release email.

Not even going to listen to the samples, though the temptation is great. Have waited a loooong time for this, so will wait a little longer to savour the full release smile

Thank to absolutely everyone who made this release possible! Amazed! Extremely grateful! big grin

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 6:14 AM   
 By:   BasilDowl   (Member)

The problem with rerecordings, if reconstructed by ear (as I think would be the case of Moonraker), is that they would miss the sections unused/faded out in the movie and alternates. That’s why it is so great to have a release from the complete tapes.

Yes indeed. There's only about 10 minutes of AUDIBLE unreleased music in the film, so that's all that could have been reconstructed by ear, but just look at how much more new music there is on this release than that.

There's also a danger of missing details. When Network released their Blu-Ray of Raise The Titanic with a partial isolated score, we could hear details in some of the music cues that were not obvious in the fully mixed film soundtrack, and therefore not transposed to the rerecording.

I want to say, I'm not knocking rerecordings from by-ear transcriptions, I'm just acknowledging that those are the two real-world limitations of such projects, and it doesn't detract from my gratitude towards them.


I'm particularly interested this time in how this sounds compared the various film mixes I've heard 500 times whilst watching the film, and the dreadful EMI CD. The snippets thus far are superb, but I am mainly curious about the mixes - Corrine Put Down for example sounds completely different in the film, and Flight into Space is a different mix (or take?) on the CD. This new release will be fascinating.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:08 AM   
 By:   villagardens553   (Member)

Fantastic news. This fleshes out the mystery of John Barry saying that he originally envisioned a 2 LP set (60 to 80 minutes).

I do think the song is underrated. Like many, not most, I think the two previous Barry/Bassey songs are among the very best in the series, but that does not diminish how good this song is.

Can't wait to hear the Paul Williams lyrics. The only thing missing is the Johnny Mathis recording . . .

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:29 AM   
 By:   Peter Atterberg   (Member)

My response to everyone who told me the Moonraker tapes had been lost is equivalent to Chris Farley’s SNL sketch where he snaps after being told he’s drinking decaf coffee.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:47 AM   
 By:   Mugradius   (Member)

Loved that the new covers does not have the border that we had on Octopussy and LALD and seem that LLL is having more freedom to depart a bit from the album covers but remaining faithfull to the original posters.

It's the first thing I noticed, and I completely agree as I didn't like the ruby/gold borders on those releases. Full bleed is much preferred though I don't mind the "imitation 2003" rounded square on the Arnold releases as much

My response to everyone who told me the Moonraker tapes had been lost is equivalent to Chris Farley’s SNL sketch where he snaps after being told he’s drinking decaf coffee.

I do love it when LLLR has a "hold my beer" moment, as it were.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:47 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Decent film. Thought George Baker played a good part. Lol

Joking aside, another great release from LLL, certainly reaping the benefits of the trust EON have in them. They've secured some amazing releases in a very short space of time. Bravo

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:47 AM   
 By:   scrapsly   (Member)

My response to everyone who told me the Moonraker tapes had been lost is equivalent to Chris Farley’s SNL sketch where he snaps after being told he’s drinking decaf coffee.

Who saw this release coming ? WOW ! I am really happy but I must admit I would be curious to hear the truth about the "LOST" Moonraker tapes lol. La La Land you got it done ! Outstanding ! If we never know the real story at least we got this release ! Also The Man With The Golden Gun ! La La Land I am in La La Land about these releases. Once again, great job and thank you !

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 7:55 AM   
 By:   Replicant006   (Member)

Holy shit! What a huge release! I'm not even going to sit one day on this before buying it. It's an instant purchase. 5,000 units is a lot but I wonder how quickly this will sell out.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 8:10 AM   
 By:   panavision   (Member)

The freefall cue is much longer than the film edit. I wonder if Bond's intro is scored but went unused in the film and/or the circus ending is longer...? Unfortunately, the scene where Jaws emerges from the circus tent was lost, only stills have survived - perhaps that was scored too.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 8:29 AM   
 By:   BasilDowl   (Member)

Holy shit! What a huge release! I'm not even going to sit one day on this before buying it. It's an instant purchase. 5,000 units is a lot but I wonder how quickly this will sell out.

Same. I don't think I've ever spent money as quickly

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 8:57 AM   
 By:   Adm Naismith   (Member)


(Faints dead away...)

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 9:34 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Who saw this release coming ? WOW ! I am really happy but I must admit I would be curious to hear the truth about the "LOST" Moonraker tapes lol. La La Land you got it done ! Outstanding ! If we never know the real story at least we got this release !


 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 9:40 AM   
 By:   scrapsly   (Member)

Who saw this release coming ? WOW ! I am really happy but I must admit I would be curious to hear the truth about the "LOST" Moonraker tapes lol. La La Land you got it done ! Outstanding ! If we never know the real story at least we got this release !


Sometimes sh@t happens LOL. Moonraker expanded is here. Great job La La Land !

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 11:05 AM   
 By:   eriknelson   (Member)

Wow. After all the fits and starts, including an aborted attempt to re-record the score, here we are. So glad it’s here at last.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 11:42 AM   
 By:   governor   (Member)

At last, Moonraker !

Fact : John Barry stated he recorded nearly one hour of music. So no surprise about disc one running time. I already reported the info in the past but Barry's historians remained sceptical, so to speak wink

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 12:09 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

No CEOT3K/Magnificent Seven themes=No Sale!

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 12:11 PM   
 By:   Roger Feigelson   (Member)

No CEOT3K/Magnificent Seven themes=No Sale!

It does list Magnificent Seven in the track list

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 12:13 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

The takeaway lesson here is to NEVER take a smug punk kid at his word.

 Posted:   Nov 29, 2024 - 12:25 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

No CEOT3K/Magnificent Seven themes=No Sale!

It does list Magnificent Seven in the track list

Haha, so much for that joke.

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