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 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 2:10 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

Just watching the ROCKY marathon on IFC last weekdend. Any word on any ROCKY releases?


 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 2:52 PM   
 By:   moroder20   (Member)

In The Mouth of Madness 1994 complete score by John Carpenter?

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 3:16 PM   
 By:   Kevin Costigan   (Member)

Any possibility on Goldsmith's, Supergirl or Toto's Dune?

Any closer to working out those issues with Orbital so the rest of Kamen's Event Horizon may hear the light of day?

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 4:01 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

In The Mouth of Madness 1994 complete score by John Carpenter?


 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 4:02 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

Any possibility on Goldsmith's, Supergirl or Toto's Dune?

Any closer to working out those issues with Orbital so the rest of Kamen's Event Horizon may hear the light of day?

Would Love to
Might be hard to do

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 4:07 PM   
 By:   litefoot   (Member)

Any possibility on Goldsmith's, Supergirl or Toto's Dune?

Supergirl is Silva in perpetuity.

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 4:30 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Supergirl is Silva in perpetuity.

Has that been actually confirmed by anyone, or simply suspected? I remember for a long time it was said that Silva had perpetuity rights to all three Goldsmith 80s titles they expanded (Legend and Rambo: First Blood Part II in addition to Supergirl). But then at some point Doug Fake revealed they no longer had the rights to Rambo, and eventually Intrada released their complete definitive version. I wonder if Silva's rights to the other two are also finite and may end some time soon as they did for Rambo.


 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 4:56 PM   
 By:   litefoot   (Member)

Supergirl is Silva in perpetuity.

Has that been actually confirmed by anyone, or simply suspected? I remember for a long time it was said that Silva had perpetuity rights to all three Goldsmith 80s titles they expanded (Legend and Rambo: First Blood Part II in addition to Supergirl). But then at some point Doug Fake revealed they no longer had the rights to Rambo, and eventually Intrada released their complete definitive version. I wonder if Silva's rights to the other two are also finite and may end some time soon as they did for Rambo.


MV said:

"I think (99.9% certain) both Supergirl and Legend rights are in perp with Silva so they would be the ones expanding those"

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 5:14 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

MV, if you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 6:17 PM   
 By:   Simon Underwood   (Member)

MV, you are being a *rockstar* answering all these. I wouldn't normally ask a Q, but since everyone else is doing it, any chance ever for STRANGE DAYS, the Revell score and the Deep Forest work alongside it?

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 6:38 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

MV, you are being a *rockstar* answering all these. I wouldn't normally ask a Q, but since everyone else is doing it, any chance ever for STRANGE DAYS, the Revell score and the Deep Forest work alongside it?

And the rejected Kamen.

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 7:30 PM   
 By:   drivingmissdaisy   (Member)

Because Varese and Intrada were taken!


I literally just spit up my beer!

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 8:27 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

MV, if you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?


 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 8:29 PM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

MV, you are being a *rockstar* answering all these. I wouldn't normally ask a Q, but since everyone else is doing it, any chance ever for STRANGE DAYS, the Revell score and the Deep Forest work alongside it?

Been trying to work on it for years. Avatar keeps getting in the way

Don't ask. Lol

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 8:42 PM   
 By:   jwb   (Member)

The Witches - possible

The Witches has an addicting main theme.

Doug had this to say about Stanley Myers:

"I recall THE WITCHES as being quite good but admit it's been years since I've heard it. Little anecdote: when we did Stanley Myer's score for TRUSTING BEATRICE many moons ago, he made a point of saying he felt neglected. Since we did that CD, I haven't seen too many others come along. Sadly, it looks like he was right.

This needs to change.

 Posted:   Mar 23, 2017 - 11:01 PM   
 By:   MutualRevolver   (Member)

MV, you are being a *rockstar* answering all these. I wouldn't normally ask a Q, but since everyone else is doing it, any chance ever for STRANGE DAYS, the Revell score and the Deep Forest work alongside it?

Been trying to work on it for years. Avatar keeps getting in the way

Don't ask. Lol

Ah, of course, Strange Days was also produced by Jim Cameron's company...

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2017 - 8:17 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

Any chance on Kamen/Clapton's Edge Of Darkness?

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2017 - 8:23 AM   
 By:   Willgoldnewtonbarrygrusin   (Member)

Any chance of Brad Fiedel´s FRIGHT NIGHT?

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2017 - 8:47 AM   
 By:   Shock-Wave   (Member)

Any chance of Brad Fiedel´s FRIGHT NIGHT?

It's sold out from Intrada. But they might always re-release it again.

 Posted:   Mar 24, 2017 - 9:04 AM   
 By:   La La Land Records   (Member)

Any chance of Brad Fiedel´s FRIGHT NIGHT?

Initially we wanted to do a song/score release but the Perservance release put the kibosh on that.

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