A new British independent poll conducted by Ipsos Mori concluded that the people who do the most illegal downloading also buy the most music. This is in line with many other studies elsewhere and is easy to understand: people who are music superfans do more of everything to do with music: they see more live shows, listen to more radio, buy more CDs, buy more bootlegs of live shows, buy more t-shirts, talk about music more, do more downloading -- all of it.
Where in this thread have I said that I downloaded illegally? Please quote me on that?
To quote? "The lady doth protest too much".
As for your links, thats just the internet being clever again. "Hurr hurr hurr, we stole something so we're going to buy more things" is not only a lie (sales are still down!) but a cheap ploy put on by internet stupids. Look at those websites! Those places are nothing more than digital snake oil factories, complete with internet rubes beating their breast at how wonderful they are for commiting crimes.
Its like going to a chopshop and expecting everyone there to own up to what they're doing. Yeesh.
Heres a bit of good news: online uploadering sites have become so inundated with emails and letters of C&D from labels and studios that they're starting to IP log uploaders. Guess what that means, folks? You share something that ain't yours and theres a good chance the RIAA is going to knock on your door with the police.
Heres a bit of good news: online uploadering sites have become so inundated with emails and letters of C&D from labels and studios that they're starting to IP log uploaders. Guess what that means, folks? You share something that ain't yours and theres a good chance the RIAA is going to knock on your door with the police.
Good, I have no problem with that, I applaud these actions against abuse and illegal download of content. Where in this thread did it say I have a problem with this? Was I discussing the legal aspect or the impact it has on stores closing down?
A new British independent poll conducted by Ipsos Mori concluded that the people who do the most illegal downloading also buy the most music.
Question... is this study limited to Britain, or does it encompass the worldwide market? Because I know many people who haven't paid a dime for music in years.
I'm not challenging anyone here (yet) - just curious.
Good, I have no problem with that, I applaud these actions against abuse and illegal download of content. Where in this thread did it say I have a problem with this? Was I discussing the legal aspect or the impact it has on stores closing down?
If you'll notice, the statement was ambiguous and not directed at any particular party.
A new British independent poll conducted by Ipsos Mori concluded that the people who do the most illegal downloading also buy the most music.
Question... is this study limited to Britain, or does it encompass the worldwide market? Because I know many people who haven't paid a dime for music in years.
I'm not challenging anyone here (yet) - just curious.
Good, I have no problem with that, I applaud these actions against abuse and illegal download of content. Where in this thread did it say I have a problem with this? Was I discussing the legal aspect or the impact it has on stores closing down?
If you'll notice, the statement was ambiguous and not directed at any particular party.
To quote again: "The lady doth protest too much".
You were the one putting words in my mouth with that roleplaying bit. I don't like words being put in my mouth.
and I can easily say about you "the lady doth attack too much". Probably why everyone has you on ignore.
Concludes that illegal downloaders buy 10 times as much as those who buy legal only.
The problem with stuff like that is that its completely unsubstantiated. Its like Wikipedia, which attempts to sell its self as some kind of reference guide when it isn't. It has no sources, no peer review system than an accredited and fact-worthy system is based upon. (Linking to other websites is NOT a system of checks, nor is allowing any fool with an internet connection the ability to edit material "fair use")
The websites you cited amount to me standing on a street corner and saying that fish do not and never have existed. Just because I say it doesn't mean its so - you can certainly go down to the aquarium and see all manner of aquatic life there. Similarly: if people who e-steal buy so much...
1.) Why e-steal at all? Why not just buy it? 2.) Why are prices still down? 3.) If they're only buying USED copies - why aren't there more brick-and-mortar second hand shops springing up if theres this huge market for it?
Answer to all three: Because those links are complete and utter bullcrap.
and I can easily say about you "the lady doth attack too much".
I was quoting Hamlet and it has a long, long use in the english language for this very situation.
As for your reply - I don't even know what you just said there.
"I was quoting Hamlet and it has a long, long use in the english language for this very situation."
He doesn't know Shakespeare because he's PD, and he has no interest in PD works of art -- only those whose copyrights are held by others...
I have issued C & D's to many sites allowing the free downloads of our music. I inform them that if they continue to allow it, we will sue them for intentional copyright infringement. Those sites go down right away, but new crooks constantly spring up elsewhere. You arrest a hooker, she'll be out on a different street corner the next night!
And I'm suppose to take everything you say as written in rock? Don't make me laugh.
Nah. Just that theres logic in what I'm saying.
I honestly have nothing against YOU, man. You don't have to believe that either, but its the truth. The fact of the matter is I take great pride in filmscore and don't see it as something I should pillage at my discretion just because I *want* something. The artform isn't there to exist to serve my needs or MP3 player and it drives me up a wall when I occasionally talk to a composer who winces when stuff like bootlegs, DVD rips and stuff come up in conversation. For example, I owe countless hours of entertainment to David Arnold for Last Of The Dogmen. The least I can do is plunk $20 for a damn copy.
"I was quoting Hamlet and it has a long, long use in the english language for this very situation."
He doesn't know Shakespeare because he's PD, and he has no interest in PD works of art -- only those whose copyrights are held by others...
I have not read Shakespeare and I fail to see why that matters in this discussion. Again with the personal attacks...
I have issued C & D's to many sites allowing the free downloads of our music. I inform them that if they continue to allow it, we will sue them for intentional copyright infringement. Those sites go down right away, but new crooks constantly spring up elsewhere. You arrest a hooker, she'll be out on a different street corner the next night!
Seems to me that you are bitter over losing money and working it out on me. Ever seen "Twelve Angry Men"?