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 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 5:35 AM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

Didn't some of the Perfect versions have some of the scores on more than one CD? I only have the first three or four earlier versions.

Yes. Up to three in fact. However, the Perfect Collection has nothing to do with these reissues I'm afraid.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 5:40 AM   
 By:   increbula   (Member)

If its Futureland then KKVG will be mono only. Toho didn't find the stereo master for that until a decade later.

Futureland did release the complete stereo master in 1992, only 4 years after they released the full mono score:

Nevertheless, the new release will undoubtedly feature the (arguably superior) mono version.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 5:41 AM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

If its Futureland then KKVG will be mono only. Toho didn't find the stereo master for that until a decade later.

Actually (as mentioned above), Futureland released the stereo version in 1992 using the same four track 35mm cinetape as Toho Music did in 2004. It's on the first disc of Complete Recordings: Akira Ifukube Film Music Toho·Daiei Edition (TYCY-5215·16). When Futureland released it, only the left and right channels were used, whereas Toho Music used all four channels. This is likely the reason why Toho Music's stereo disc from the Perfect Collection sounds like it's also mono and rather dry.

The remainder of disc 1 on Toho·Daiei includes selected cues from "Osaka Castle Story" (1961) as bonus tracks. The second disc contains "Whale God" (1962) with selections from "Adventure in Kigan Castle" (1966) included as more bonus material.

Please refer to the link increbula provided as well as the information on Discogs:

Futureland released the mono version, recorded on mono 6mm magnetic tape concurrently with the 35mm four track cinetape stereo recording (all recorded on June 6, 1962 and July 25, 1962), in 1987 as the first disc of Complete Recordings: Akira Ifukube Special Effects Film Music Toho Edition 2 (LD25-5035·36) which was reissued in 1992 (TYCY-5197·98). I believe its the 1987 album master that was used for the Godzilla Complete Works Collection release.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 8:40 AM   
 By:   John McMasters   (Member)

Quick, probably dumb, question: I already have the 6 volumes of the 50th Anniversary "Perfect" numbered, boxset, editions from years ago. What would be the positives for getting this new set? -- if any? Thanks!

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 9:03 AM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

Quick, probably dumb, question: I already have the 6 volumes of the 50th Anniversary "Perfect" numbered, boxset, editions from years ago. What would be the positives for getting this new set? -- if any? Thanks!

I was wondering when someone was going to open up that can of worms for me yet again. We've got at least two Godzilla film music threads in which quite a few of us discussed all of the audio quality issues with the Perfect Collection sets.

I'm at work so I don't really have time to say much right now, but I'll dig up those threads when I have some time. At this time, I can't say anything about these reissues until I at least hear some sound samples. I'll probably pick them up a few at a time, so I'll share my opinions of them when I do.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 9:14 AM   
 By:   increbula   (Member)

Quick, probably dumb, question: I already have the 6 volumes of the 50th Anniversary "Perfect" numbered, boxset, editions from years ago. What would be the positives for getting this new set? -- if any? Thanks!

Objectively speaking, the "Perfect" boxes are packed with extra music (including outtakes and film edits, where applicable), more informative booklets, and bonus CD reissues of early LPs. The sticking point for many fans is the overwrought remastering of some of the scores (especially certain Showa films such as Monster Zero and Destroy All Monsters, which sound noticeably muffled compared to earlier releases).

The 1993 Futureland albums (which are the basis for the Universal reissues) featured clearer, crisper mastering overall, and were an excellent presentation of the classic Godzilla film scores - and even those CDs included a modest selection of outtakes. Personally, I treasure that set over the "Perfect" boxes and I am happy it will be made available again for fans who missed out (or who weren't even born) when the set was originally available.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 9:24 AM   
 By:   increbula   (Member)

Of course, as Ostinato mentioned above, it is too early to know how the new CDs will sound - but ideally, they will avoid the remastering pitfalls of the "Perfect Collection" and retain (or improve upon) the sound quality of what Futureland originally released.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 9:55 AM   
 By:   John McMasters   (Member)

I had recalled those other threads about the mastering on the 50th edition sets -- it is often so hard to sort out all of the Godzilla releases and sound quality issues as I am sure you guys know! The expertise on this Forum can be amazing at times.

I actually have Futureland releases of many of my favorite Godzilla and Japanese SF/Monster scores, plus isolated tracks on some DVD releases, so I guess I will wait to read reviews as to the sound quality of this new set to see if it would be worth it for a splurge.

Sorry to have opened a can of worms! smile

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 10:22 AM   
 By:   spook   (Member)

I had recalled those other threads about the mastering on the 50th edition sets -- it is often so hard to sort out all of the Godzilla releases and sound quality issues as I am sure you guys know! The expertise on this Forum can be amazing at times.

I actually have Futureland releases of many of my favorite Godzilla and Japanese SF/Monster scores, plus isolated tracks on some DVD releases, so I guess I will wait to read reviews as to the sound quality of this new set to see if it would be worth it for a splurge.

Sorry to have opened a can of worms! smile

Im glad you did John as i was also hoping for a quick answer to that without going through all the other threads. I’ve got the ‘perfect collection’ volumes and wondered about getting these if sound quality is better.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 11:12 AM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

I had recalled those other threads about the mastering on the 50th edition sets -- it is often so hard to sort out all of the Godzilla releases and sound quality issues as I am sure you guys know! The expertise on this Forum can be amazing at times.

I actually have Futureland releases of many of my favorite Godzilla and Japanese SF/Monster scores, plus isolated tracks on some DVD releases, so I guess I will wait to read reviews as to the sound quality of this new set to see if it would be worth it for a splurge.

Sorry to have opened a can of worms! smile

It's no problem! The second I see "Toho Music" and/or "Perfect Collection" anywhere on here, I go all out explaining the serious issues they have, along with the positives they bring. Between myself and others, a lot of great information was provided. I plan to eventually write up a consolidation of the information somewhere and provide that information whenever anything regarding Toho Music or the Perfect Collection sets come up. That way, no one has to look through various threads or retype the information previously provided.

I actually don't own any of Toho Music's releases aside from the Kurosawa albums, the Akira Ifukube Film Music Collection and "Osaka Castle Story". However, I do have numerous Futureland releases and other older albums. A couple of which are promotional sample copies.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 11:22 AM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

I had recalled those other threads about the mastering on the 50th edition sets -- it is often so hard to sort out all of the Godzilla releases and sound quality issues as I am sure you guys know! The expertise on this Forum can be amazing at times.

I actually have Futureland releases of many of my favorite Godzilla and Japanese SF/Monster scores, plus isolated tracks on some DVD releases, so I guess I will wait to read reviews as to the sound quality of this new set to see if it would be worth it for a splurge.

Sorry to have opened a can of worms! smile

It's no problem! The second I see "Toho Music" and/or "Perfect Collection" anywhere on here, I go all out explaining the serious issues they have, along with the positives they bring. Between myself and others, a lot of great information was provided. I plan to eventually write up a consolidation of the information somewhere and provide that information whenever anything regarding Toho Music or the Perfect Collection sets come up. That way, no one has to look through various threads or retype the information previously provided.

I actually don't own any of Toho Music's releases aside from the Kurosawa albums, the Akira Ifukube Film Music Collection and "Osaka Castle Story". However, I do have numerous Futureland releases and other older albums. A couple of which are promotional sample copies.

Thanks for the added info. I own all six "Perfect Collection" and almost all of the Futureland CDs, but I reckon I'll dip once again depending on the quality of the updates.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 2:16 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

I'm all over that Godzilla 1984 score. I mean The Return of Godzilla! big grin

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 2:57 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

I'm all over that Godzilla 1984 score. I mean The Return of Godzilla! big grin

Funny you should say that as it’s the only box set I’ve purchased specifically for that soundtrack. Though the rest of the music made it well worth the price too.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 3:38 PM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

I'm all over that Godzilla 1984 score. I mean The Return of Godzilla! big grin

It's a great one!

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 3:49 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

I'm all over that Godzilla 1984 score. I mean The Return of Godzilla! big grin

Funny you should say that as it’s the only box set I’ve purchased specifically for that soundtrack. Though the rest of the music made it well worth the price too.

The main theme is a legit earworm. I dig the movie, too. As you no doubt know, it's a direct sequel to Gojira that ignores all the others before it.

It's a great one!

I hope (am sure) it will sound spiffy!

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 3:59 PM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

I hope (am sure) it will sound spiffy!

I've got the original '93 issue and it's wonderful. I'm sure you'll be happy with the reissue.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 4:27 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

Didn't some of the Perfect versions have some of the scores on more than one CD? I only have the first three or four earlier versions.

Yes. Up to three in fact. However, the Perfect Collection has nothing to do with these reissues I'm afraid.

The original post mentioned the Perfect collections, which was why I posted what I did. That post was subsquently changed by the original poster.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 4:52 PM   
 By:   Ostinato   (Member)

The original post mentioned the Perfect collections, which was why I posted what I did. That post was subsquently changed by the original poster.

It did indeed cause some confusion unfortunately. I understand where you're coming from. If I didn't know about these reissues ahead of time, I may have been briefly confused myself until I read the screenshot that the OP provided.

If anyone reading this do want the Perfect Collection sets, I am happy to say that all six are still in-print (most of Toho Music's release are). I believe all six boxes are still available at SAE. If not, Arksquare surely has them though shipping will be significantly more expensive.

Come to think of it, I actually wish SAE would end up carrying these reissues although it'll likely not happen. It would save a considerable amount on shipping.

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 5:19 PM   
 By:   Col. Flagg   (Member)

Is there a general opinion that these reissues are, content-wise, a a better listen (not just in terms of sound quality) when compared to the Perfect Collection boxes? While I love complete sets, not being too familiar with the films themselves here, I don't need every last note.

(I've held off buying most of the Perfect Collection boxes, hence why I ask.)

 Posted:   Apr 24, 2024 - 5:44 PM   
 By:   increbula   (Member)

Is there a general opinion that these reissues are, content-wise, a a better listen (not just in terms of sound quality) when compared to the Perfect Collection boxes? While I love complete sets, not being too familiar with the films themselves here, I don't need every last note.

To some extent, it depends on listener taste. The Futureland CDs (which are identical in content to the new releases) are a better listen if one prefers to hear the full, unedited cues in numerical order, with songs and source music (in the films that have them) saved for the end - as opposed to a film presentation that includes edited and repeated cues and source music arranged in film order. Personally, when I listen to a film score I want to focus on the cues in complete form as they were composed.

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