It's also sad that the powers to be see absolutely no historical, social, or artistic value in releasing this music. If they can't benefit financially, their fine with keeping works of art locked away forever. That's the biggest crime when it comes to unreleased music and films. You have to understand, that aside from multiple parties that need to be worked with and sign off (incouding any living actors, when necessary), that of course it's about some kind of profit. The act of the music just simply sitting there, costs them money. It's not free. Most cases vaults are specially built areas that have to be kept air conditioned, maintained, cleaned, expanded when needed, inventoried, searched; there's security personnel, researchers, people who handle paper work for material inside, electricity costs, water, meeting fire ans safety ordinances and maintaining them (simply having fire extinguishers not only costs money, but you have to deal with yearly costs of replacement of them after time periods, and other fees). It takes a lot of money to have any tapes to simply sit there. And since onloy a fraction of what they store ever really gets used in a way that can really benefit them financially (remember, they also will cover restoration and archiving costs themselves), anybody that somebody comes wanting to get rights for, has to help recouperate said costs. And I'm sure I've missed more. And somebody once said, perhaps it was Lukas or MV, years ago, the studios don't exactly make a lot of money off this, and it costs expensive lawyers time to deal with the clearances and other legalities. There are people in various feilds, who are in the studio's employ, that need to be paid for services rendered that ultimately leads to any score CD being released. It's a crying shame, but it's no crime. The only thing that's criminal, if you want to call it that, is when a studio decides to clean up and toss tapes and other work out into the dumpster. If you own the rights, you are sometimes given a chance to save them (if you can; not counting times where they'd just erase and record over things to save money); if you're not that person, you can't have it, and if you get caught rummaging or taking anything out of the trash, you can be arrested (depending on the state, or country respectively), 'cause believe it or not, some businesses won't allow you to take their trash. It's their trash, until at the dump. And they may even get reimbursement, which can vary by factors, including the pound, so it's incentive to let stuff be junked. Let's be honest, if we were all flowing with money, we'd have opened up our own vault and offered to take stuff they intend to toss, off their hands, and even give them a little something to greese those wheels. But here we are.
Any news updates on this endeavour? I've been contacted by andy b regarding certain details of his plan. It sounds like he's still fully committed to the project. Though I may have antagonized him by proposing expensive and impractical ways to get vocals into the Main and End Titles. I can certainly tell you he won't be financing any vocals, and with good reason.
No vocals would be fine with me. My main interest in a rerecording would be to recreate the complete and sequential film music experience as closely as possible, and you just can't get a new vocal performance to match the original nearly as closely as you could a new orchestral performance. Instrumental versions of the main and end titles, on the other hand, would be cool to hear.
Just to hear a modern recording of the CABLE CAR FIGHT would make it all worthwhile to me. One of the best Barry fight cues, though the scene adheres faithfully to the cartoonish standards of the various "Jaws" sequences.
Would LOVE a re-recording of this. If it makes any of a difference, I'd be one of the first to purchase!
Just to reiterate, andyb has communicated to me his intention to finance a Raine/City of Prague Philharmonic re-recording. Yet he has also sworn me to secrecy regarding any details. Only James Fitzpatrick will have license to pop the lid on this baby. I think his board name is JamesFitz.
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Jan 4, 2015 - 4:34 PM
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Still in communication with Tadlow, so maybe this can happen Andy B Any news here? Would really, really want this re-recording to happen! Andy B, what gives? Needed some questions answered from Tadlow, which I have not had answers to, but I would of thought with the great re-recording, Passage to India & the great works from James & the others that do these recordings, he no doubt has not had the time. The funds still sit where they have always been. Hope this answers your question Andy B Was there any further news on Andy B's proposal to get Moonraker re-recorded? I know James Fitzpatrick said that he had no plans for any more Barry releases in 2015. Like I have always said, Tadlow itself has no plans to re record Moonraker, but if someone wanted to fund such a recording, then me and Nic Raine...him being the John Barry expert...would be up for it!
Posted: |
Jan 4, 2015 - 4:34 PM
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Still in communication with Tadlow, so maybe this can happen Andy B Any news here? Would really, really want this re-recording to happen! Andy B, what gives? Needed some questions answered from Tadlow, which I have not had answers to, but I would of thought with the great re-recording, Passage to India & the great works from James & the others that do these recordings, he no doubt has not had the time. The funds still sit where they have always been. Hope this answers your question Andy B Was there any further news on Andy B's proposal to get Moonraker re-recorded? I know James Fitzpatrick said that he had no plans for any more Barry releases in 2015. Like I have always said, Tadlow itself has no plans to re record Moonraker, but if someone wanted to fund such a recording, then me and Nic Raine...him being the John Barry expert...would be up for it!