Dear FSM retro Euro-cult collectors, Richard Landwehr just informed me that track 7, "Working in the City", from the new Digitmovies CD of HO INCONTRATO UN'OMBRA (Romolo Grano) was later used by Berto Pisano as the template for his main theme of STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER. I've listened to "Working in the City" and it is obvious that Rich is correct. This also makes sense when one considers that Pisano conducted and orchestrated the Grano score. What we all really need and desperately want is a score release of Pisano's marvelous STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER. So far the only music available is on the 1997 English bootleg themes compilation MURDER FOR PLEASURE: GIALLO AND THRILLER THEMES (Gatto Nero Records BC001). Actually there are still a number of superb scores represented on this bootleg that still await a legitimate release, including IL VIZIO HA LE CALZE NERE (Savina), CARNALITA (Savina), DELIRIO CALDO (Reverberi), L'OCCHIO DEL RAGNO (Savina), PASSI DI MORTE PERDUTI NEL BUIO (Ortolani) and LA BESTIA UCCIDE A SANGUE FREDDO (Spadacchio). And we also want Savina's wonderful MALENKA LA NIPOTE DEL VAMPIRO! It's amazing when one considers how much has been released of late that there could be so much great stuff still sitting in the vaults collecting dust! Goes to show how prolific and inventive the Italians were during the Silver Age. Yowza!
Yes please. I only recently watched this and it was a lovely, needlessly complicated and intruiging mess with wonderful music. In fact I think the composer's credit came even before the director's?
Strip nude for your killer... you got to hand it to the Italians for good titles.
Bring it on that is pretty much at the top of my wants list Pisano takes that track from ho incontrato un'Ombra and takes it to a whole new level in Nude Per L'Assassino ,lots of great music in that movie.
Wait a minute, so there's no one actually naked in here? I swear, this board is just getting worse and worse.
Of all the thousands of avatars I've seen over the years yours is my absolute favorite! I have always been crazy for black and red zippered vests - they make my heart race.
Bring it on that is pretty much at the top of my wants list Pisano takes that track from ho incontrato un'Ombra and takes it to a whole new level in Nude Per L'Assassino ,lots of great music in that movie.
It is striking how close the two tracks are, and yet Pisano seemingly effortlessly took the idea to a whole new level of visceral impact and expressiveness. What a genius. They always make it look so easy. I assume Pisano's INTERRABANG is still available on CD. If you haven't already done so stop whatever it is you are doing and buy it now! Truly one of the most stunning accomplishments of Italian scoring. I made a CDR recently for a classically trained musician and conductor (and upcoming film composer) and he labeled it a masterpiece - a word this extremely talented (and rightfully opinionated) young artist does not bandy about. Some years back I sold my copy of the RCA LP for a cool grand to a smart Japanese collector and it was worth every penny - like buying a Picasso print!
Isn't this the sort of request that should be directed to Digitmovies? I honestly don't see FSM going *this* cult Italian. And by the way, the GREAT Nude per l'assassino/Strip Nude For Your Killer theme - my favorite of all of Berto Pisano's admittedly derivative themes - originated with Norman Whitfield/Barrett Strong's "Papa Was A Rolling Stone," right? Even Romolo Grano's "Working for the City" came long after that. Italian genre music makers often did what many Italian genre film makers did - mimic what Americans did, with a twist to make it their own.