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 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 7:36 AM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume ISC 496
Film Date: 1980
Album Date: 2023
Time: 105:07
Tracks: 44

World premiere of complete James Horner early space opera soundtrack! Following on the heels of Intrada’s expanded release of Humanoids From The Deep is James Horner’s wildly popular early outer space epic, scored in 1980 when the young composer’s career was literally just getting underway. Highlights from the score were released on vinyl at the time, and that program has appeared numerous times on CD. Now Intrada is proud to finally present the entire score, newly expanded and remastered from the actual 2” 24-track recording session masters for the first time ever! Details in the recording come through with stunning clarity and power previously not available. In addition to the familiar cues, this new edition also offers many cues previously not released, including the powerful early cues for the “Hammerhead” and the “Sniper’s, Fire!” sequences. Other exciting new pieces include “Dr. Hephaestus’s Station”, “The Destruction Of Umateal”, “Kidnapped!” and many others, all in splendid stereo sound. The performance on the original release was less than perfect, but with current state-of-the-art technology, engineers Douglass Fake and Chris Malone were able to meticulously address some of the errant notes, particularly in the high trumpet parts. The complete score runs over an hour on CD 1. Intrada will be releasing it digitally as well. For fans of the popular original 1980 program, we have included that album as well, newly remastered on CD 2. And vinyl collectors can enjoy this expanded edition from the Shout! Factory label. Jimmy T. Murakami & Roger Corman directed this outer space fantasy in the wake of the exploding popularity of Star Wars and the many imitations that followed. Drawing inspiration from the famous Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven feature films, the script from John Sayles now set the action in outer space, with Richard Thomas, Robert Vaughn, John Saxon, Sybil Danning starring and George Peppard grabbing the spotlight as “Cowboy”. Another asset: the special effects feature the imaginative early work of James Cameron. Initially released through Roger Corman’s New World Pictures, the movie was a modest box office hit. Trivia of interest: Bill Paxton was then working as a carpenter on the set. Horner’s energetic score was literally a launch pad for his later Star Trek II and Krull scores. David Newman conducts the orchestra, James Horner composes. Intrada Special Collection 2-CD set available while quantities and interest remain!

CD 1 The Score
01. Main Title (2:03)
02. Hammerhead (3:37)
03. Snipers, Fire! (1:19)
04. Shad’s Entrance (0:58)
05. First Flight (3:51)
06. Dr. Hephaestus’s Station (2:57)
07. First Conversation (4:16)
08. Jackers Ahead! (3:37)
09. The Destruction Of Umateal (1:22)
10. Nanelia’s Capture (1:31)
11. We Cruise For Akir! (1:32)
12. Kidnapped! (1:25)
13. Nascosto Flyaway (0:28)
14. Gelt’s Kill (2:32)
15. Hammerhead Stinger II (0:32)
16. Love Theme (1:35)
17. The Alarm Sounds (0:40)
18. Space Battle (4:36)
19. Battle In The Maze (2:25)
20. Zed’s Death (3:13)
21. Gelt Dies (1:31)
22. Shad And Nanelia (1:29)
23. Another Space Battle (1:00)
24. St. Exmin’s Death (1:33)
25. Cowboy Attacks (1:47)
26. Destruction Of Hammerhead (5:56)
27. Epilog/End Title (5:08)
Total Score Time: 62:53

28. Gelt’s Chamber Music (1:35)
CD 1 Total Time: 64:28

CD 2 Original 1980 Soundtrack Album
01. Main Title (2:00)
02. Malmori Rear Guard (3:51)
03. The Battle Begins (3:31)
04. Shad And Nanelia (1:29)
05. Cowboy And The Jackers (3:37)
06. Nanelia’s Capture (1:28)
07. The Maze Battle (3:10)
08. Shad’s Pursuit (3:22)
09. Cowboy’s Attack (1:44)
10. Love Theme (3:52)
11. The Hunter (1:38)
12. Gelt’s Death (1:28)
13. Nanelia (1:32)
14. Heading For Sador (0:59)
15. Destruction Of Hammerhead (2:35)
16. Epilogue / End Title (5:03)
CD 2 Total Time: 42:39

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 7:47 AM   
 By:   Jeyl   (Member)

...WHAT?! Did they find the recordings

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 7:50 AM   
 By:   showads   (Member)

After all these years of waiting! Finally! Thank you

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 7:55 AM   
 By:   Magnus Opum   (Member)

Holy shit.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:03 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Glad I held off on getting Solo! Now I have something else to add to my cart.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:04 AM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

...WHAT?! Did they find the recordings

Maybe Horner had them all along.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:09 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

TWOK prequel score.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:20 AM   
 By:   panavision   (Member)

Didn't know that the original film score hadn't been released.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:27 AM   
 By:   Andy_   (Member)

This has been an amazing year for early Horner releases. And this one is the Cherry on top.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:29 AM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

Didn't know that the original film score hadn't been released.

I thought it had, just crap quality.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:57 AM   
 By:   c8   (Member)

This was STRONGLY alluded to in the Humanoids liner notes. So glad to see its real. I'll be mashing my refresh button on Monday until this is posted on the store.

Didn't know that the original film score hadn't been released.

I thought it had, just crap quality.

It had. But the CD releases of both Humanoids and Battle were, up to this point, LP rips from the LPs that came out at the time of the movies' releases. Horner himself held up a proper CD release of this one. Word on the street was it was related to the poor performance quality but, honestly, that's part of this score's wall to wall charm. I sometimes think Horner was just embarrassed by his early stuff. But this score, save for a few mandated TMP lifts, is wall to wall Horner exhilaration from which you can draw a direct line to TWOK and (especially) Krull. Anyone who likes early Horner action and hasn't heard this one needs to order ASAP.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   Michael_McMahan   (Member)

Amazing news! So excited!

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:04 AM   
 By:   The Mutant   (Member)

I find it so odd that he singled out “The Hand” as one he didn’t want released.
Like, is it any more embarrassing than Humanoids from the Deep or Deadly Blessing???

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:05 AM   
 By:   Andy_   (Member)

Is this likely to be an expansion or the OST album master?

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:08 AM   
 By:   Avatarded   (Member)

Is this likely to be an expansion or the OST album master?

It's small but it says "Expanded Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" on the covers.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:09 AM   
 By:   c8   (Member)

I find it so odd that he singled out “The Hand” as one he didn’t want released.
Like, is it any more embarrassing than Humanoids from the Deep or Deadly Blessing???

He apparently didn't want Deadly Blessing either.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:12 AM   
 By:   Andy_   (Member)

Is this likely to be an expansion or the OST album master?

It's small but it says "Expanded Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" on the covers.

Ah thank you! Yes!!! In my excitement I neglected to read the print.

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:34 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Great news!

I am super happy that Intrada has been able to provide definitive editions to this, Humanoids From The Deep, Deadly Blessing, and also Wolfen a few years back as well.

Bravo, Intrada!

How cool will it be if The Hand and/or The Pursuit of DB Cooper are in the works too?

 Posted:   Nov 10, 2023 - 9:37 AM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

I find it so odd that he singled out “The Hand” as one he didn’t want released.
Like, is it any more embarrassing than Humanoids from the Deep or Deadly Blessing???

He apparently didn't want Deadly Blessing either.

And Young Guns.

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